Publications: Computations


Title Author(s) Date Link
ADJUST: The Horizontal Observation Adjustment Program Milbert, D.G. & Kass, W.G. Sep 1987 PDF
Adjustment of Geodetic Field Data Using a Sequential Method - NOAA TM NOS NGS 3 Whiting, M.C. & Pope, A.J. Mar 1976 PDF
An Algorithm to Compute the Eigenvectors of a Symmetric Matrix - NOAA TR NOS 75 NGS 10 Schmid, E. Aug 1978 PDF
The Application of Multiquadric Equations and Point Mass Anomaly Models to Crustal Movement Studies - TR NOS 76 NGS 11 Hardy, R.L. Nov 1978 PDF
Application of Special Variance Estimators to Geodesy - NOAA TR NOS 84 NGS 15 Bossler, J.D. & Hanson, R.H. Feb 1980 PDF
Bruns Transformation and a Dual Setup of Geodetic Observation Equations TR NOS 85 NGS 16 Grararend, E.W. Apr 1980 PDF
Cartographic Generalization: A Review of Feature Simplification and Systematic Point Algorithms TR NOS 112 C&CG 5 Clayton, V.H. Nov 1985 PDF
Data Processing in the National Geodetic Survey Vorhauer, M.L. HTML
Direct and Inverse Solutions of Geodesics on the Ellipsoid with Application of Nested Equations Vincenty,T. Apr 1975 PDF
Exchange File Format National Geodetic Survey HTML
Feasibility Study of the Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving Large Sparse Equation Sets NOAA TR NOS 82 NGS 13 Gründig, L. Feb 1980 PDF
Federal Register Notices National Geodetic Survey HTML
GPS-Assisted Phototriangulation Package (GAPP) - NOAA TM NOS C&GS 2 Lucas, J.R. Nov 1989 PDF
Optimization of Horizontal Control Networks by Nonlinear Programming TR NOS 79 NGS 12 Milbert, D.G. Aug 1979 PDF
Pseudo-kinematic GPS Results Using the Ambiguity Function Method- NOAA TM NOS NGS 52 Remondi, B.W. May 1990 PDF
Reducing the Profile of Sparse Symmetric Matrices - NOAA TM NOS NGS 4 Snay, R.A. Jun 1976 PDF
State Readjustments at the National Geodetic Survey Milbert, K.O. & Milbert, D.G. 1994 PDF
The Statistics of Residuals and the Detection of Outliers - NOAA TR NOS 65 NGS 1 Pope, A.J. May 1976 PDF
Tidal Corrections to Geodetic Quantities - TR NOS 83 NGS 14 Vanicek, P. Feb 1980 PDF
The Trouble With Constrained Adjustments Schwarz, C.R. 1994 PDF
Use of Calibration Base Lines - NOAA TM NOS NGS 10 Fronczek, C.J. Dec 1977 PDF