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April 19, 2011

News of the Day: Quick-Thinking Store Manager Saves Lives in Tornado

Posted by: Dan Stoneking, Director, Private Sector Division

I’ve blogged several times about the importance of the private sector in helping our communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. While these past blog posts have focused on the role of the private sector as a valuable member of the emergency management team, I wanted to highlight one especially heroic story that came out of the deadly tornadoes that just hit North Carolina and other states over the past few days.

During the series of deadly tornadoes and severe storms, a manager at a home improvement store in Sanford, North Carolina guided approximately 100 people (employees and customers) to safety just before a tornado bore down on the store.

Read about how the manager was able to act quickly and put the company’s safety plan into action (his heroic actions also merited a call from President Obama). (Stories courtesy of WCNC.)

Every day across the nation there are other essential contributions from the private sector and potential heroes like this manager, who work hard to keep their peers, stores and customers safe. And whether you’re a business owner or employee, check out for information on minimizing the impact of disasters and keeping employees (and potentially, your customers) safe in case an emergency occurs.

- Dan

1 comment:

  1. It's not everyday that we encounter stories of bravery and valor like this store manager. I am the manager of a local liquid limestone store in Perth and I salute people like him who selflessly help people in times of needs.


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