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EITC Information for IRS Partners


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You can help promote EITC, Earned Income Tax Credit, by using your communication network so more people that are eligible receive the credit. This brings more dollars into your community. A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction of taxes owed. EITC is a refundable credit, meaning workers can reduce their tax to zero and then receive a refund of any remaining credit.

Network with other employers, government offices and agencies, social service organizations and other groups in your community who have a vested interest in reaching and educating low income workers about EITC. Find out how you can help…send an email to

Find more information about Becoming an IRS Partner to Help your Community

Your organization can also get involved in the community by sponsoring a VITA, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) site in your community to prepare tax returns for those who cannot prepare their own and help them keep more of their refund.

What's Hot!

Find the latest information on what's going on with EITC and promoting financial independence. Visit EITC Central's "What's Hot!

EITC Awareness Day, Friday, January 25, 2013

IRS invites charitable organizations, elected officials, state and local governments, schools, employers and other interested parties to join a national grassroots effort spotlighting this important tax credit.

EITC is a financial boost for working people in a recovering economy. IRS estimates four of five eligible taxpayers claim and get their EITC. You can help ensure everyone gets the EITC they earned.

Follow us on Twitter at IRSEITCDay. Read more about EITC Awareness Day on EITC Central's Partner Toolkit

EITC Central – Your home for all things EITC!

On EITC Central, you will find the latest news on EITC. Plus, fact sheets, statistics, marketing tools, ready-made information flyers and posters, customizable products, templates, links to other helpful resources and more.

EITC Central has specialized sections designed for partners, preparers and press. It also has EITC Marketing Express where you customize flyers and posters with your name, logo, phone number, hours of service and web address.

You do leave this site, to visit the IRS sponsored EITC Central and will receive a warning notice. Use the links below for our toolkit designed just for you.


Additional Resources :


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Page Last Reviewed or Updated: 21-Dec-2012