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  • Baker SG. Remarks on “A simple decision analytic solution to the comparison of two binary diagnostic tests" by Vickers et al.” Stat Med 2013;32(4):718.
  • Berger VW. On the insufficiency of reporting masking. J Rehabil Med 2013;45(2):221-222.
  • Berger VW. Reply to Letter-to-the-Editor: Efficacy and degree of bias in knee injury prevention studies: a systematic review of RCTs. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2013;471(1):341-342.
  • Major JM, Graubard BI, Dodd KW, Iwan A, Alexander BH, Linet MS, Freedman DM. Variability and reproducibility of circulating vitamin D in a nationwide U.S. population. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013;98(1):97-104.
  • Partridge EE, Greenlee RT, Riley TL, Commins J, Ragard L, Xu JL, Buys SS, Prorok PC, Fouad MN. Assessing the risk of ovarian malignancy in asymptomatic women with abnormal CA 125 and transvaginal ultrasound scans in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Screening Trial. Obstet Gynecol 2013;121(1):25-31.
  • Vickers AJ, Bennette C, Kibel AS, Black A, Izmirlian G, Stephenson AJ, Bochner B. Who should be included in a clinical trial of screening for bladder cancer?: A decision analysis of data from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. Cancer 2013;119(1):143-149.
  • Aktipis CA, Maley CC, Pepper JW. Dispersal evolution in neoplasms: the role of disregulated metabolism in the evolution of cell motility Exit Disclaimer. Cancer Prev Res 2011;5(2):266-275.
  • Alperson SY, Berger VW. Opposing systematic reviews: the effects of two quality rating instruments on evidence regarding T'ai Chi and bone mineral density in post-menopausal women. J Altern Complement Med 2011;17(5):389-395.
  • Andre F, McShane LM, Michiels S, Ransohoff DF, Altman DG, Reis-Filho JS, Hayes DF, Pusztai L. Biomarker studies: a call for a comprehensive biomarker study registry. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2011;8(3):171-176.
  • Baker SG. Estimation and inference for the causal effect of receiving treatment on a multinomial outcome: an alternative approach Exit Disclaimer. Biometrics 2011;67(1):319-323; discussion 323-325.
  • Baker SG. Modelling the cumulative risk of a false-positive screening test. Stat Methods Med Res 2011;20(3):291-293.
  • Baker SG. TOFT better explains experimental results in cancer research than SMT. Bioessays 2011;33(12):919-921.
  • Baker SG, Kramer BS. Systems biology and cancer: promises and perils Exit Disclaimer. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2011;106(2):410-413.
  • Baker SG, Lindeman KS, Kramer BS. Clarifying the role of principal stratification in the paired availability design Exit Disclaimer. Int J Biostat 2011;7(1):Article 25.
  • Berger VW. Assessing the quality of surgical trials: further insight. Annals of Surgery 2011;253(2):420-421.
  • Berger VW. Assessing the success of masking in acupuncture trials: further insight. Chin J Integr Med 2011;17(7):546.
  • Berger VW. Different name, same problem. Contemp Clin Trials 2011;32(8)785.
  • Berger VW. Can objective endpoints be manipulated in unmasked trials? Stat Med 2011;30(30):3573-3574.
  • Berger VW. Commentary on Lin MF, Hsieh YJ, Fetzer S & Hsu MC (2011) A randomised controlled trial of the effect of music therapy and verbal relaxation on chemotherapy-induced anxiety. Journal of Clinical Nursing 20, 988-999. J Clin Nurs 2011;20(19-20):2980.
  • Berger VW. Intent-to-treat: further insight. Res Nurs Health 2011;34(1):4.
  • Berger VW. Minimization: not all it's cracked up to be. Clin Trials 2011;8:443, author reply 444.
  • Berger VW. Music therapy and verbal relaxation: conclusions not supported. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2011;20:2980.
  • Berger VW. Recognizing chronological bias for what it is. Clin Trials 2011;8(6):768; author reply 769.
  • Berger VW. Trials: the worst possible design (except for all the rest). The International Journal of Person Centered Medicine 2011;1(3):630-631.
  • Berger VW, Izmirlian G, Knoll D. Discussion of the paper of Ghosh, Taylor, and Sargent Exit Disclaimer. Biometrics 2011 June 22.
  • Berger VW, Knoll D. A note on the evaluation of BoNTA trial quality. Inflammopharmacology 2011;19(5):243-244.
  • Berger VW, Knoll D. Levels of evidence: further insight on Gugiu and Gugiu. Eval Health Prof 2011;34(1):124-126; discussion 127-130.
  • Berger VW, Vali B. Intent-to-randomize corrections for missing data resulting from run-in selection bias in clinical trials for chronic conditions. J Biopharm Stat 2011;21(2):263-270.
  • Buys SS, Partridge E, Black A, Johnson CC, Lamerato L, Isaacs C, Reding DJ, Greenlee RT, Yokochi LA, Kessel B, Crawford ED, Church TR, Andriole GL, Weissfeld JL, Fouad MN, Chia D, O'Brien B, Ragard LR, Clapp JD, Rathmell JM, Riley TL, Hartge P, Pinsky PF, Zhu CS, Izmirlian G, Kramer BS, Miller AB, Xu J-L, Prorok PC, Gohagan JK, Berg CD for the PLCO Project Team. Effect of screening on ovarian cancer mortality. the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial. JAMA 2011;305(22):2295-2303.
  • Crawford ED, Grubb RL, Black A, Andriole GL, Chen MH, Izmirlian G, Berg CD, D'Amico AV. Comorbidity and mortality results from a randomized prostate cancer screening trial Exit Disclaimer. J Clin Oncol 2011;29(4):355-361.
  • Doubeni CA, Schootman M, Major JM, Torres Stone RA, Laiyemo AO, Park Y, Lian M, Messer L, Graubard BI, Sinha R, Hollenbeck AR, Schatzkin A. Health status, neighborhood socioeconomic context, and premature mortality in the United States: The National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study Exit Disclaimer. Am J Public Health 2011 Aug 18.
  • Driscoll WW, Pepper JW, Pierson LS, Pierson EA. Spontaneous gac mutants of Pseudomonas biological control strains: cheaters or mutualists? Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2011;77(20):7227-7235.
  • Fan YG, Jiang Y, Chang RS, Yao SX, Jin P, Wang W, He J, Zhou QH, Prorok P, Qiao YL, Hu P. Prior lung disease and lung cancer risk in an occupational-based cohort in Yunnan, China. Lung Cancer 2011;72(2):258-263.
  • Freedman LS, Midthune D, Carroll RJ, Tasevska N, Schatzkin A, Mares J, Tinker L, Potischman N, Kipnis V. Using regression calibration equations that combine self-reported intake and biomarker measures to obtain unbiased estimates and more powerful tests of dietary associations Exit Disclaimer. Am J Epidemiol 2011;174(11):1238-1245.
  • Freedman LS, Schatzkin A, Midthune D, Kipnis V. Dealing with dietary measurement error in nutritional cohort studies. J Natl Cancer Inst 2011;103(14):1086-1092.
  • Kramer BS, Berg CD, Aberle DR, Prorok PC. Lung cancer screening with low-dose helical CT: results from the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST). J Med Screen 2011;18(3):109-111.
  • Laiyemo AO, Doubeni C, Pinsky PF, Doria-Rose VP, Sanderson AK, Bresalier R, Weissfeld J, Schoen RE, Marcus PM, Prorok PC, Berg CD. Factors associated with inadequate colorectal cancer screening with flexible sigmoidoscopy Exit Disclaimer. Cancer Epidemiology 2011 Nov 21;Epub ahead of print.
  • Laiyemo AO, Doubeni C, Sanderson AK, Pinsky PF, Badurdeen DS, Doria-Rose VP, Marcus PM, Schoen RE, Lanza E, Schatzkin A, Cross AJ. Likelihood of missed and recurrent adenomas in the proximal versus the distal colon. Gastrointest Endosc 2011;74(2):253-261.
  • Lian M, Schootman M, Doubeni CA, Park Y, Major JM, Torres Stone RA, Laiyemo AO, Hollenbeck AR, Graubard BI, Schatzkin A. Geographic variation in colorectal cancer survival and the role of small-area socioeconomic deprivation: a multilevel survival analysis of the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study cohort. Am J Epidemiol 2011;174(7):828-838.
  • Marcus PM, Bergstralh EJ, Kramer BS, Fontana R. The Mayo Lung Project lung cancer mortality findings are unlikely to be biased by a volunteer effect. Eur J Epidemiol 2011;26(6):503-504.
  • Marcus PM, Gareen IF, Miller AB, Rosenbaum J, Keating K, Aberle DR, Berg CD. The National Lung Screening Trial's Endpoint Verification Process: determining the cause of death. Contemp Clin Trials 2011;32(6):834-840.
  • Midthune D, Schatzkin A, Subar AF, Thompson FE, Freedman LS, Carroll RJ, Shumakovich MA, Kipnis V. Validating an FFQ for intake of episodically consumed foods: application to the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study Exit Disclaimer. Public Health Nutr 2011;14(7):1212-1221.
  • Oh A, Dodd K, Ballard-Barbash R, Perna FM, Berrigan D. Language use and adherence to multiple cancer preventive health behaviors among Hispanics. J Immigr Minor Health 2011;13(5):849-859.
  • Oken MM, Hocking WG, Kvale PA, Andriole GL, Buys SS, Church TR, Crawford ED, Fouad MN, Isaacs C, Reding DJ, Weissfeld JL, Yokochi LA, O'Brien B, Ragard LR, Rathmell JM, Riley TL, Wright P, Caparaso N, Hu P, Izmirlian G, Pinsky PF, Prorok PC, Kramer BS, Miller AB, Gohagan JK, Berg CD, for the PLCO Project Team. Screening by chest radiograph and lung cancer mortality: The Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Randomized Trial Exit Disclaimer. JAMA 2011;306(17):1865-1873.
  • Pepper JW. Chapter 7: Somatic evolution of acquired drug resistance in cancer. In Gioeli (ed). Targeted Therapies: Mechanisms of Resistance, Springer 2011;127-134.
  • Pignone M, Ransohoff DF. Cross-model comparisons to improve the value of modeling: the case of colorectal cancer screening. Med Decis Making 2011;31(4):524-526.
  • Ransohoff DF, Yankaskas B, Gizlice Z, Gangarosa L. Recommendations for post-polypectomy surveillance in community practice Exit Disclaimer. Dig Dis Sci 2011 Jun 23.
  • Rosenfeld S. Biomolecular self-defense and futility of high-specificitytherapeutic targeting Exit Disclaimer. Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 20115;89-104.
  • Rosenfeld S. Critical self-organized self-sustained oscillations in large regulatory networks: towards understanding the gene expression initiation Exit Disclaimer. Gene Regulation and Systems Biology 2011;5:27-40.
  • Rosenfeld S. Mathematical descriptions of biochemical networks: stability, stochasticity, evolution. Prog Biophys Mol Biol 2011;106(2):400-409.
  • Ruder EH, Laiyemo AO, Graubard BI, Hollenbeck AR, Schatzkin A, Cross AJ. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and colorectal cancer risk in a large, prospective cohort. Am J Gastroenterol 2011 Jul;106(7):1340-1350.
  • Sprouffske K, Pepper JW, Maley CC. Accurate reconstruction of the temporal order of mutations in neoplastic progression. Cancer Prev Res 2011;4(7):1135-1144.
  • Stovsky M, Ponsky L, Vourganti S, Stuhldreher P, Siroky MB, Kipnis V, Fedotoff O, Mikheeva L, Zaslavsky B, Chait A, Jones JS. Prostate-specific antigen/solvent interaction analysis: a preliminary evaluation of a new assay concept for detecting prostate cancer using urinary samples. Urology 2011;78(3):601-605.
  • Tammemagi CM, Pinsky PF, Caporaso NE, Kvale PA, Hocking WG, Church TR, Riley TL, Commins J, Oken MM, Berg CD, Prorok PC. Lung cancer risk prediction: Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial models and validation. J Natl Cancer Inst 2011;103(13):1058-1068.
  • Tasevska N, Cross AJ, Dodd KW, Ziegler RG, Caporaso NE, Sinha R. No effect of meat, meat cooking preferences, meat mutagens or heme iron on lung cancer risk in the Prostate, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. Int J Cancer 2011;128(2):402-411.
  • Tasevska NA, Midthune D, Potischman N, Subar AF, Cross AJ, Bingham SA, Schatzkin A, Kipnis V. Use of the predictive sugars biomarker to evaluate self-reported total sugars intake in the Observing Protein and Energy Nutrition (OPEN) study Exit Disclaimer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2011;20(3):490-500.
  • The National Lung Screening Trial Research Team (Fagerstrom RM, Izmirlian G, Marcus PM, Prorok PC). Reduced lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic screening Exit Disclaimer. N Engl J Med 2011;365(5):395-409.
  • The National Lung Screening Trial Research Team (Fagersrom RM, Izmirlian G, Marcus PM, Prorok P). The National Lung Screening Trial: overview and study design Exit Disclaimer. Radiology 2011;258:243-253.
  • Verkaik-Kloosterman J, Dodd KW, Dekkers AL, van 't Veer P, Ocké MC. A three-part, mixed-effects model to estimate the habitual total vitamin D intake distribution from food and dietary supplements in Dutch young children. J Nutr 2011;141(11):2055-2063.
  • Wastney ME, Combs GF, Canfield WK, Taylor PR, Patterson KY, Hill AD, Moler JE, Patterson BH. A human model of selenium that integrates metabolism from selenite and selenomethionine. J Nutr 2011;141(4):708-717.
  • Zhang S, Krebs-Smith SM, Midthune D, Perez A, Buckman DW, Kipnis V, Freedman LS, Dodd KW, Carroll RJ. Fitting a bivariate measurement error model for episodically consumed dietary components. Int J Biostatistics 2011;7(1):1-32.
  • Zhang S, Midthune D, Guenther PM, Krebs-Smith SM, Kipnis V, Dodd KW, Buckman DW, Tooze JA, Freedman L, Carroll RJ. A new multivariate measurement error model with zero-inflated dietary data, and its application to dietary assessment. Ann Appl Stat 2011;5(2B):1456-1487.
  • Zhu CS, Pinsky PF, Cramer DW, Ransohoff DF, Hartge P, Pfeiffer RM, Urban N, Mor G, Bast RC Jr, Moore LE, Lokshin AE, McIntosh MW, Skates SJ, Vitonis A, Zhang Z, Ward DC, Symanowski JT, Lomakin A, Fung ET, Sluss PM, Scholler N, Lu KH, Marrangoni AM, Patriotis C, Srivastava S, Buys SS, Berg CD; PLCO Project Team. A framework for evaluating biomarkers for early detection: validation of biomarker panels for ovarian cancer. Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 2011;4(3):375-383.
  • Bailey RL, Dodd KW, Goldman JA, Gahche JJ, Dwyer JT, Moshfegh AJ, Sempos CT, Picciano MF. Estimation of total usual calcium and vitamin D intakes in the United States. J Nutr 2010;140(4):817-822.
  • Bailey RL, McDowell MA, Dodd KW, Gahche JJ, Dwyer JT, Picciano MF. Total folate and folic acid intakes from foods and dietary supplements of US children aged 1-13 y. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;92(2):353-358.
  • Bailey RL, Mills JL, Yetley EA, Gahche JJ, Pfeiffer CM, Dwyer JT, Dodd KW, Sempos CT, Betz JM, Picciano MF. Unmetabolized serum folic acid and its relation to folic acid intake from diet and supplements in a nationally representative sample of adults aged > or =60 y in the United States. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;92(2):383-389.
  • Baker SG. Simple and flexible classification via Swirls-and-Ripples Exit Disclaimer. BMC Bioinformatics (accepted in principle).
  • Baker SG, Cappuccio A, Potter JD. Research on early-stage carcinogenesis: are we approaching paradigm instability? J Clin Oncol 2010;28:3215-3218.
  • Baker SG, Darke AK, Pinsky P, Parnes HL, Kramer BS. Transparency and reproducibility in data analysis: the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial Exit Disclaimer. Biostatistics 2010;11(3):413-418.
  • Baker SG, Kramer BS. Evaluating Biomarkers For Cancer Screening Exit Disclaimer. Pharma IQ 31/08/2/2010, article ID: 3077.
  • Baker SG, Sargent DJ. Designing a randomized clinical trial to evaluate personalized medicine: a new approach based on risk prediction. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010;102(23):1756-1759.
  • Belcher BR, Berrigan D, Dodd KW, Emken BA, Chou CP, Spuijt-Metz D. Physical activity in US youth: effect of race/ethnicity, age, gender, and weight status. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2010;42(12):2211-2221.
  • Berger VW. A Socratic dialogue. Journal of Applied Statistical Methods 2010;8(1):316-321.
  • Berger VW. Assessing the quality of randomization and allocation concealment. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2010;18(10):1361; author reply 1362.
  • Berger VW. Assessing the quality of surgical trials: further insight. Ann Surg 2010 Dec 17;().
  • Berger VW. Exact permutation tests for correlated binomial variables: letter to the editor. Biometrical Journal 2010;52(3):436-437.
  • Berger VW. Making statistics boring again. Stat Med 2010;29(13);1458. [Letter to Editor]
  • Berger VW. Minimization, by its nature, precludes allocation concealment, and invites selection bias. Contemp Clin Trials 2010;31(5)406.
  • Berger VW. Permutation tests for stochastic ordering and ANOVA: theory and applications with R by BASSO, D., PESARIN, F., SALMASO, L., and SOLARI, A. Biometrics 2010;66(1):319-321.
  • Berger VW. Randomization, permuted blocks, masking, allocation concealment, and selection bias in the Tobacco Quit Line Study. Contemp Clin Trials 2010;31(3):201.
  • Berger VW. Testing for baseline balance: can we finally get it right? J Clin Epidemiol 2010;63(8)939-940; author reply 940-942.
  • Berger VW, Do AC. Allocation concealment continues to be misunderstood. J Clin Epidemiol 2010;63(4):468-469; author reply 469-470.
  • Berger VW, Grant WC, Vazquez LF. Sensitivity designs for preventing bias replication in randomized clinical trials. Stat Methods Med Res 2010;19(4):415-424.
  • Bertagnolli MM, Hsu M, Hawk ET, Eagle CJ, Zauber AG, Adenoma Prevention with Celecoxib (APC) Study Investigators (Corle D). Statin use and colorectal adenoma risk: results from the adenoma prevention with celecoxib trial. Cancer Prev Res 2010;3(5);588-596.
  • Black A, Grubb R, Church T, Reding D, Izmirlian G, Hickey T, Mabie J, Riley T, Ragard L, Prorok P, Berg C, Crawford D, Andriole G. Comparison of risk estimates of factors associated with prostate cancer incidence and mortality between screened and control arms in the PLCO Trial. J Urol 2010;183(4):e53-e54.
  • Bobe G, Murphy G, Rogers CJ, Hance KW, Albert PS, Laiyemo AO, Sansbury LB, Lanza E, Schatzkin A, Cross AJ. Serum adiponectin, leptin, C-peptide, homocysteine, and colorectal adenoma recurrence in the Polyp Prevention Trial. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2010;19(6)1441-1452.
  • Crawford ED, Izmirlian G, Grubb RL, Kramer BS, Church TR, Black A, Riley TM, Hickey T, Ragard L, Prorok PC, Berg CD, Andriole GL. Factors influencing prostate cancer mortality in the PLCO Trial. J Urol 2010;183(4):e224-e225.
  • Cronin KA, Harlan LC, Dodd KW, Abrams JS, Ballard-Barbash R. Population-based estimate of the prevalence of HER-2 positive breast cancer tumors for early stage patients in the US. Cancer Invest 2010;28(9):963-968.
  • Croswell JM, Baker SG, Marcus PM, Clapp JD, Kramer BS. Cumulative incidence of false-positive test results in lung cancer screening: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 2010;152(8):505-512, W176-180.
  • Croswell JM, Ransohoff DF, Kramer BS. Principles of cancer screening: lessons from history and study design issues. Semin Oncol 2010;37(3):202-215.
  • Doria-Rose VP, Marcus PM, Miller AB, Bergstralh EJ, Mandel JS, Tockman MS, Prorok PC. Does the source of death information affect cancer screening efficacy results? a study of the use of mortality review versus death certificates in four randomized trials. Clin Trials 2010;7(1):69-77.
  • Doubeni CA, Laiyemo AO, Klabunde CN, Young AC, Field TS, Fletcher RH. Racial and ethnic trends of colorectal cancer screening among Medicare enrollees. Am J Prev Med 2010;38(2):184-191.
  • Doubeni CA, Laiyemo AO, Young AC, Klabunde CN, Reed G, Field TS, Fletcher RH. Primary care, economic barriers to health care, and use of colorectal cancer screening tests among Medicare enrollees over time. Ann Fam Med 2010;8(4):299-307.
  • Freedman LS, Guenther PM, Dodd KW, Krebs-Smith SM, Midthune D. The population distribution of ratios of usual intakes of dietary components that are consumed every day can be estimated from repeated 24-hour recalls. J Nutr 2010;140(1):111-116.
  • Freedman LS, Guenther PM, Krebs-Smith SM, Dodd KW, Midthune D. A population's distribution of Healthy Eating Index-2005 component scores can be estimated when more than one 24-hour recall is available. J Nutr 2010;140(8)1529-1534.
  • Freedman LS, Kipnis V, Schatzkin A, Tasevska N, Potischman N. Can we use biomarkers in combination with self-reports to strengthen the analysis of nutritional epidemiologic studies Exit Disclaimer ? Epidemiol Perspect Innov 2010;7(1)2. (doi: 10.1186/1742-5573-7-2)
  • Freedman LS, Tasevska N, Kipnis V, Schatzkin A, Mares J, Tinker L, Potischman N. Gains in statistical power from using a dietary biomarker in combination with self-reported intake to strengthen the analysis of a diet-disease association: An example from CAREDS. Am J Epidemiol 2010;172(7):836-842.
  • Grubb RL, Black A, Shaul S, Mabie J, Riley T, Kattan M, Izmirlian G, Vickers AJ, Bochner BH, Kibel AS, Prorok PC, Berg CD, Stephenson A, Andriole GL. Predicting the risk of bladder cancer and high-grade bladder cancer using patient clinical and demographic information from PLCO participation. J Urol 2010:183(4):e448-e449.
  • Hocking WG, Hu P, Oken MM, Winslow SD, Kvale PA, Prorok PC, Ragard LR, Commins J, Lynch DA, Andriole GL, Buys SS, Fouad MN, Fuhrman CR, Isaacs C, Yokochi LA, Riley TL, Pinsky PF, Gohagan JK, Berg CD for the PLCO Project Team. Lung cancer screening in the randomized Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010;102:1-10.
  • Imperiale TF, Ransohoff DF. Understanding differences in the guidelines for colorectal cancer screening. Gastroenterology 2010;138(5):1642-1647.e1.
  • Klabunde CN, Marcus PM, Silvestri GA, Han PKJ, Richards TB, Yuan G, Marcus SE, Vernon SW. U.S. primary care physicians' lung cancer screening beliefs and recommendations. Am J Prev Med 2010;39(5):411-420.
  • Krebs Smith SM, Guenther PM,Subar AF,Kirkpatrick SI, Dodd KW. Americans do not meet Federal dietary recommendations. J Nutr 2010;140(10):1832-1828.
  • Laiyemo AO, Doubeni C, Pinsky PF, Doria-Rose VP, Bresalier R, Lamerato LE, Crawford ED, Kvale P, Fouad M, Hickey T, Riley T, Weissfeld J, Schoen RE, Marcus PM, Prorok PC, Berg CD. Race and colorectal cancer disparities: health-care utilization vs different cancer susceptibilities. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010;102(8):538-546.
  • Laiyemo AO, Kamangar F, Marcus PM, Taylor PR, Virtamo J, Albanes D, Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ. Atrophic gastritis and the risk of incident colorectal cancer. Cancer Causes Control 2010;21(1):163-170.
  • Leung K, Pinsky P, Laiyemo AO, Lanza E, Schatzkin A, Schoen RE. Ongoing colorectal cancer risk despite surveillance colonoscopy: the Polyp Prevention Trial Continued Follow-up Study (PPT-CFS). Gastrointest Endosc 2010;71(1):111-117.
  • Marcus PM, Huang GC, Beck V, Miller MJ. The impact of a primetime cancer storyline: from individual knowledge and behavioral intentions to policy-level changes Exit Disclaimer. J Cancer Educ 2010;25(4)484-489.
  • Meinhold CL, Dodd KW, Jiao L, Flood A, Shikany JM, Genkinger JM, Hayes RB, Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ. Available carbohydrates, glycemic load, and pancreatic cancer: is there a link? Am J Epidemiol 2010;171(11):1174-1182.
  • National Lung Screening Trial Research Team Writing Committee: Aberle DR, Adams A, Berg CD, Clapp J, Clingan K, Gareen IF, Lynch DA, Marcus PM, Pinsky P (Fagerstrom RF, Prorok PC). Baseline characteristics of participants in the National Lung Screening Trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010;102:1771-1779.
  • Oaks BM, Dodd KW, Meinhold CL, Jiao L, Church TR, Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ. Folate intake, post-folic acid grain fortification, and pancreatic cancer risk in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91(2):449-455.
  • Pinsky PF, Black A, Kramer BS, Miller A, Prorok PC, Berg C. Assessing contamination and compliance in the prostate component of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial. Clin Trials 2010;7(4)303-311.
  • Prorok PC, Marcus PM. Cancer screening trials: nuts and bolts. Semin Oncol 2010;37(3):216-223.
  • Ransohoff DF, Gourlay ML. Sources of bias in specimens for research about molecular markers for cancer. J Clin Oncol 2010;28(4):698-704.
  • Ransohoff DF, Khoury MJ. Personal genomics: information can be harmful. Eur J Clin Invest 2010;40(1):64-68.
  • Ransohoff DF. Can endoscopy protect against colorectal cancer? an RCT. Lancet 2010;375(9726):1582-1584.
  • Ransohoff DF. Proteomics research to discover markers: what can we learn from Netflix? Clin Chem 2010;56(2):172-176.
  • Reedy J, Wirfält E, Flood A, Mitrou PN, Krebs-Smith SM, Kipnis V, Midthune D, Leitzmann M, Hollenbeck A, Schatzkin A, Subar AF. Comparing 3 dietary pattern methods--cluster analysis, factor analysis, and index analysis--with colorectal cancer risk: the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study. Am J Epidemiol 2010;171(4):479-487.
  • Regnier FE, Skates SJ, Mesri M, Rodriguez H, Tezak Z, Kondratovich MV, Alterman MA, Levin JD, Roscoe D, Reilly E, Callaghan J, Kelm K, Brown D, Philip R, Carr SA, Liebler DC, Fisher SJ, Tempst P, Hiltke T, Kessler LG, Kinsinger CR, Ransohoff DF, Mansfield E, Anderson NL. Protein-based multiplex assays: mock presubmissions to the US Food and Drug Administration. Clin Chem 2010;56(2):165-171.
  • Rodriguez H, Tezak Z, Mesri M, Carr SA, Liebler DC, Fisher SJ, Tempst P, Hiltke T, Kessler LG, Kinsinger CR, Philip R, Ransohoff DF, Skates SJ, Regnier FE, Anderson NL, Mansfield E, Analytical validation of protein-based multiplex assays: a workshop report by the NCI-FDA interagency oncology task force on molecular diagnostics. Clin Chem 2010;56(2):237-243.
  • Rosenfeld S. Do DNA microarrays tell the story of gene expression?. Gene Regul Syst Bio 2010;4:61-73. (Early view)
  • Schoen RE, Pinsky PF, Weissfeld JL, Yokochi LA, Reding DJ, Hayes RB, Church T, Yurgalevich S, Doria-Rose VP, Hickey T, Riley T, Berg CD. Utilization of surveillance colonoscopy in community practice. Gastroenterology 2010;138(1):73-81.
  • Sinha S, Mallick BK, Kipnis V, Carroll RJ. Semiparametric Bayesian analysis of nutritional epidemiology data in the presence of measurement error. Biometrics 2010;66:444-454.
  • The National Lung Screening Trial Research Team (Writing Committee: Aberle DR, Adams AM, Berg CD, Clapp JD, Clingan KL, Gareen, IF, Lynch DA, Marcus PM, Pinsky PF. Baseline characteristics of participants in the randomized National Lung Screening Trial Exit Disclaimer. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010;102:1771-1779.
  • Tooze JA, Kipnis V, Buckman DW, Carroll RJ, Freedman LS, Guenther PM, Krebs-Smith SM, Subar AF, Dodd KW. A mixed-effects model approach for estimating the distribution of usual intake of nutrients: the NCI method Exit Disclaimer. Stat Med 2010;29(27):2857-2868.
  • Zweig M, DeVoto E. Does the language fit the evidence?--Association versus causation Exit Disclaimer. Feb 10, 2010.

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