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Coats Urges Congress to Follow the Hoosier Model

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.) today spoke on the Senate floor urging Congress to follow the Hoosier model and create a more efficient and fiscally responsible government.

The following are excerpts from his speech:

“The spend less, borrow less and tax less Hoosier model has resulted in balanced budgets, job creation, and a triple-A credit rating. In contrast, the spend more, borrow more and tax more approach in Washington during the last four years has resulted in fewer jobs, higher debt and a threatened downgrade from credit agencies.”


“Whether lawmakers want to admit it or not, the crux of our problem is this: Washington has promised Americans far too much and committed well beyond our means. Federal spending and borrowing cannot continue at the current pace, without dire consequences.”


“We have proven in Indiana, that good policy – no matter how politically difficult it might seem at the time to achieve – does translate into good politics. But much more important than the politics, good policy can translate into strengthening our economy, improving the lives of Americans and providing opportunity for future generations. It’s time we learn that lesson here in Washington. It’s time that we exhibited the political courage to stand up and do what I think just about everyone in this body understands and that is get a hold of runaway spending and borrowing that is putting us in a very deep fiscal hole.”


“We cannot continue to keep America on the edge of uncertainty in terms of what our fiscal future will look like.”

Audio and video of the speech is available by clicking here or on the image below.
