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Coats Notes: Congress Should Follow the Hoosier Model

 Congress Should Follow the Hoosier Model

Click here or on the video below to watch my floor speech urging Washington to follow the Hoosier model and create a more efficient and fiscally responsible government.

Inaugurations are times of celebration and tradition, but they also represent an opportunity for reflection and change. As I participated in the inauguration events for Indiana’s 50th governor, Mike Pence, I couldn’t help but think of the remarkable record of achievement and bold reforms our former Governor Mitch Daniels delivered to the Hoosier state and the lessons they could offer to Washington. 

In 2005, Indiana faced a $200 million deficit and our state had not balanced its budget for seven years. Governor Daniels and his team had a vision to make much-needed changes and the people of Indiana responded. While other states increased spending and raised taxes, Indiana reduced spending, cut taxes and paid down its debts. 

Daniels’ leadership and the resolve of Hoosiers transformed Indiana’s balance sheet and made our state the most attractive place to live, raise a family, and do business in the Midwest, if not the nation. I am confident that Governor Pence will continue this commitment to pro-growth policies in Indiana. 

While the fiscal situation we faced in Indiana is not completely analogous to the fiscal crisis facing our nation today, Washington can learn from the accomplishments of the Hoosier state. The spend less, borrow less and tax less Hoosier model has resulted in balanced budgets, job creation, and a triple-A credit rating. In contrast, the spend more, borrow more and tax more approach in Washington during the last four years has resulted in fewer jobs, higher debt and a threatened downgrade from credit agencies. 

Whether lawmakers and the President want to admit it or not, the crux of our nation’s fiscal problem is this: Washington has promised Americans far too much and committed well beyond our means. Federal spending and borrowing cannot continue at the current pace without dire consequences.

It’s time Washington learn from Hoosiers. It’s time our nation make the difficult changes needed to begin living within our means and putting our country on a path to prosperity, growth and opportunity. 

Protecting Life

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision. I was pleased to see so many Hoosiers from across our state in town this week to walk in the annual March for Life event.

Anyone who has ever raised a child, held a newborn baby or witnessed the miracle of birth knows that life is a sacred and precious gift that must be protected from the moment of conception. I commend the thousands of Hoosiers and Americans who traveled to Washington to affirm that principle and stand up for the sanctity of human life. We must continue the work to defend the defenseless and the fight for life.