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Coats Supports Trade Agreements Benefiting Hoosier Small Businesses, Manufacturers, Farmers

WASHINGTON, DC – Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.) today voted in favor of new trade agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama. The three trade pacts will create American jobs and increase U.S. exports.

"This is a long overdue bipartisan step forward to help create private-sector growth,” Coats said. “Increasing American exports is a vital part of staying ahead of our global competitors. These trade agreements will provide fair access to new markets for Hoosier manufacturers, farmers and service providers.”

According to the Commerce Department, nine million Americans were supported by U.S. exports in 2010. The American Farm Bureau Federation estimates that the three agreements could increase Indiana agriculture exports by $54.7 million annually and add nearly 500 Hoosier jobs.

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