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Map graphics. As a U.S. Government publication, the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map itself (as a graphic) is not copyrighted and is in the public domain. Map graphics may be freely reproduced and redistributed. The USDA-ARS and OSU logos must be prominently displayed in any reproduced or redistributed map graphics. Zone boundaries and designations and other features may not be altered without an explicit and prominently displayed disclaimer that the map is not the official USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, and USDA-ARS and OSU logos must not be displayed in the modified version.

Files in varying resolutions and formats may be downloaded and/or printed from this website.


GIS data. Under the terms of a Specific Cooperative Agreement, Oregon State University agreed to supply the U.S. Government with unenhanced (standard resolution) GIS data in grid and shapefile formats. U.S. Government users may use these unenhanced GIS data for U.S. Government purposes only and may not distribute the GIS data to non-U.S. Government users. Enhanced (higher-resolution) GIS data can be obtained by any user by purchasing a license from The Climate Source, Inc. (, subject to Climate Source terms of use. The USDA-ARS and OSU logos must be prominently displayed on any maps derived from either the enhanced or unenhanced GIS datasets. The data may not be altered in any way without an explicit and prominently displayed disclaimer that the map is not the official USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map, and USDA-ARS and OSU logos must not be displayed in the modified version.