• National Center onCultural and Linguistic Responsiveness
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Serving Head Start's Diverse Children and Families: What Is the Law? What Are the Regulations?

Head Start has a long history of serving linguistically and culturally diverse children and families. More than 140 languages are spoken in the program nationwide and almost 300,000 children speak a language other than English. Specific references to Head Start’s diversity and expected culturally and linguistically responsive practices are threaded throughout the Head Start Act of 2007, the Head start Program Performance Standards, and the Child Development and Early Learning Framework.

Serving Head Start's Diverse Children and Families: What Is the Law? What Are the Regulations?


This compendium includes excerpts from these and other OHS communications that address cultural and linguistic responsiveness in Head Start programs. Programs will find this resource useful when writing grants, conducting program self-assessments, and developing their program’s Planned Language Approach. The information is presented in a user-friendly, accessible format. See Serving Head Start's Diverse Children and Families: What Is the Law? What Are the Regulations? [PDF, 3.6MB]


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Serving Head Start's Diverse Children and Families: What Is the Law? What Are the Regulations? HHS/ACF/OHS/NCCLR. 2013. English. [PDF, 3.6MB].

Last Reviewed: January 2013