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Justice and Law Enforcement

ICE, European law enforcement agencies and Europol seize 132 domain names selling counterfeit merchandise

Photo: ©AP Images

Photo: ©AP Images

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), law enforcement agencies from Belgium, Denmark, France, Romania and the United Kingdom, and the European Police Office (Europol) seized 132 domain names today that were illegally selling counterfeit merchandise online to unsuspecting consumers. The 132 domain names seized are part of Project Cyber Monday 3 and Project Transatlantic. These websites were set up to dupe consumers into unknowingly buying counterfeit goods as part of the holiday shopping season. The operation was coordinated by the ICE HSI-led National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center (IPR Center) in Washington, D.C. Read the press release | Shopping Online? Beware of Counterfeits and Criminals (2012-11-26)

U.S.-EU Highlights

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and European Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström launched the Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online in Brussels. on December 5, 2012. Photo: State Dept.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and European Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström launched the Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online in Brussels. on December 5, 2012. Photo: State Dept.

US, EU launch Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online

“Especially in recent years, as technological advances have ushered in a new era of seamless commerce, instant communication, and virtual interaction between individuals and businesses, the need to protect children from the dangers posed by anonymous predators in cyberspace has become increasingly clear – and urgent,” U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said December 5 as he and European Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström launched the Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online in Brussels. “Today’s criminals have developed the ability to operate beyond the reach of traditional law enforcement mechanisms and international boundaries,” he said in remarks before representatives of the 48 countries participating in the Global Alliance. “And many of the technologies that our societies have come to rely upon have also created vulnerabilities that pedophiles find all too easy to exploit – in order to trade illegal images, to discuss fantasies about abusing children, and even to find and target potential victims." Learn more | Attorney General Eric Holder Speaks at the Global Alliance Against Child Sexual Abuse Online Ministerial (2012-12-05)