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Market Research on Poland

Market Research on Poland

Industry Sector Analysis (ISA) Reports

Industry Sector Analysis (ISA) Reports are concise (up to 10 pages) market research reports being prepared by our commercial specialists1 on selected industry sectors.  The reports in electronic version are free of charge and are available for U.S. companies only.

CLICK HERE: To See the Available Reports

Poland Country Commercial Guide

The Country Commercial Guide (CCG) presents a comprehensive look at Poland's commercial environment using economic, political, and market analysis. The CCGs were established by recommendation of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC), a multi agency task force, to consolidate various reporting documents prepared for the U.S. business community. Country Commercial Guides are prepared annually at American Embassies through the combined efforts of several U.S. government agencies.

You may download the Country Commercial Guide 2012 in pdf format.

Customized Market Research

The Customized Market Research (CMR) service provides U.S. companies with customized, individualized information on overseas markets on a quick turn-around basis.

CLICK HERE: To Read More or contact our Commercial Representative, Barbara Grabowska to apply for this service.

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