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Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr.

Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr.
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  • Government Official
    I represent the 8th District of New Jersey in the United States House of Representatives. I currently serve on the Ways and Means and Budget Committees.
  1. The pressure from the New Jersey and New York delegation and others has clearly gotten a reaction. I am hopeful this plan will work, but we know that with this House, you must always expect the unexpected.
  2. Be sure to tune in to MSNBC at 2pm as I join host Alex Witt to discuss Hurricane Sandy aid.
  3. It's the height of irresponsibility for the Republicans to adjourn the 112th Congress without even allowing us the opportunity to vote on a Sandy relief package. They have turned their backs on those whose lives were destroyed and are still suffering from the devastation of this storm. Between this and their handling of the fiscal cliff, the GOP Leadership has shown they are incapable of even the most basic functions of governing. I demand the Speaker act responsibly and reconsider this decision.
  4. I'm confident that if the Republicans bring the Sandy disaster aid bill to the floor, a majority of the House will support it. Now is not the time for politics to get in the way of helping those in New Jersey who are still suffering. Timing is critical as FEMA funds are running out. We should have an up or down vote on this legislation as soon as the House returns to work on Sunday. While the ...disaster aid bill is an important start to providing New Jersey the relief we need now, further legislative action is necessary to help small businesses, individuals and municipalities, which is why I sponsored legislation that will provide tax relief to the victims of Sandy. New Jersey is one of the largest donor states in the country and we simply want a return when we need it most.See More
  5. Be sure to check out my interview yesterday on MSNBC.
  6. Tune in to MSNBC this afternoon at 2:30pm as I join host Craig Melvin to discuss the fiscal cliff.
  7. As we gather with our families and loved ones, I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas. This past year has been difficult for many New Jerseyans and we pray for those that are less fortunate this holiday. I am especially grateful for our brave men and women in uniform who are not able to spend this holiday with their families because they are fighting to protect our freedoms.
  8. In the wake of Speaker Boehner's failed fiscal plan, I will be joining MSNBC's News Nation with Tamron Hall at 2:30pm this afternoon to discuss the looming "fiscal cliff".
  9. Speaker Boehner’s my way or the highway approach to the fiscal cliff has crashed and burned. It’s time for him to abandon the extreme elements of his caucus who would rather see this country slip into another recession than raise taxes by one dime on millionaires. Republicans lost the election and now their fiscal plan has failed. It's time for them to listen to the voices of the American people. The Speaker must join with House Democrats and President Obama on finding a balanced way forward that asks millionaires to pay their fair share and reduce our deficit.
  10. Be sure to tune it to MSNBC at 2:00pm this afternoon as I join Tamron Hall to discuss the fiscal cliff negotiations between Speaker Boehner and President Obama.
  11. Looking forward to joining CNBC's Power Lunch at 1:05pm today to discuss the fiscal cliff negotiations between Speaker Boehner and President Obama. Tune in!
  12. Joined Americans affected by recession and Ways and Means Committee colleagues to speak out about the importance of unemployment insurance. If Congress does not act, 119,600 people in New Jersey will stop receiving this vital help on 29th. Extending unemployment insurance doesn’t just help families in need, it promotes economic growth and job creation. As we work towards a deal we must not forget these families - we must pass an unemployment insurance extension.See More
    Photo: Joined Americans affected by recession and Ways and Means Committee colleagues to speak out about the importance of unemployment insurance. If Congress does not act, 119,600 people in New Jersey will stop receiving this vital help on December 29th. Extending unemployment insurance doesn’t just help families in need, it promotes economic growth and job creation. As we work towards a deal we must not forget these families - we must pass an unemployment insurance extension.
  13. Tune in to MSNBC this afternoon at 2:30pm as I join host Craig Melvin to discuss the continued negotiations in Congress to avert drastic spending cuts and tax increases, or the "fiscal cliff", at the end of the year.
  14. I was proud to join my brothers and sister with the New Jersey State AFL-CIO and SEIU this morning for a rally to urge Congress to extend middle class tax cuts and use the savings to avert drastic spending cuts to programs like Medicare and Medicaid.
    Photo: I was proud to join my brothers and sister with the New Jersey State AFL-CIO and SEIU this morning for a rally to urge Congress to extend middle class tax cuts and use the savings to avert drastic spending cuts to programs like Medicare and Medicaid.
  15. The $60.4 billion requested for Sandy aid will be critical in helping to rebuild a stronger New Jersey and to prepare us for the next storm. Although FEMA had enough resources to start the process of recovery, it's clear from the scale of destruction that this will be a costly recovery effort. Moonachie and Little Ferry were among the hardest hit communities in northern New Jersey and I am commit...ted to making sure they, and all affected communities, receive the federal funds they need to help them rebuild and assist families in putting their lives back together. I will be urging my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to come together in a bipartisan manner to act quickly on this legislation. While it is an important start to providing New Jersey the relief we need now, further legislative action will be necessary to help small businesses, private infrastructure and families. I will be working closely with my colleagues in the House on a proposal to address this soon.See More
  16. I'm happy to join MSNBC's Tamron Hall at 2:30pm this afternoon to discuss what's being done in Congress to avert drastic spending cuts and tax increases at the end of the year. Be sure to tune in!

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