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As Americans grapple with rising energy prices and lingering unemployment, energy efficiency is an affordable, effective way to move our economy forward and address our energy challenges. Companies recognize that this legislation will help them save money, make them more competitive, allow them to hire more workers, and boost their bottom line.  I appreciate their support as we work toward a U.S. economy that is both more energy efficient and more prosperous.

I write to express support for the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act (S.1000). S.1000 is incentive-based, mandate-free legislation that enjoys broad support in the Senate and in the business community.

- National Association of Manufacturers (NAM)

S. 1000 may be one of the few energy bills that can garner enough support for passage in the 112th Senate. The business community strongly supports this bill.

- U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The BCSE commends Senator Shaheen and Senator Portman for their bipartisan leadership. With the introduction of the Energy Savings Act of 2011, they are helping to set our country on the course towards greater energy efficiency and economic growth.  The Energy Savings Act of 2011 is the kind of legislation needed to drive private investment in energy efficiency upgrades in our nation’s homes, commercial and institutional buildings, and industrial facilities.

- Business Council for Sustainable Energy

Panasonic is pleased to support the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2011.  Senators Shaheen and Portman’s commitment to advancing energy efficiency complements Panasonic’s objective to become the number one Green Innovation Electronics Company by 2018, our 100th anniversary.  This bill supports more rapid investment in energy efficiency technologies and will help to encourage and promote consumer awareness and use of energy-efficient products—the fastest way for America to achieve energy efficiency gains.

- Peter M. Fannon / Vice President for Corporate and Government Affairs for Panasonic Corporation of North America

Federal, state, and local budgets are as tight as they have ever been, but energy-efficient products and solutions that will be advanced through this important piece of legislation can help government, industry, and consumers save energy and millions of dollars, create jobs, and spur competitiveness.

- Eric Spiegel / President and CEO of Siemens Corp.

We are encouraged by Senator Shaheen's and Senator Portman's commitment to accelerating investments in innovative products and services that can help businesses and homeowners enhance their energy efficiency.  This bipartisan bill acknowledges advanced energy-efficiency technologies that we have made our core focus.  We look forward to working with Congress to optimize the benefits for businesses and consumers.

- John W. Conover IV / Chairman of Ingersoll Rand's Sustainability Advisory Council and Senior Vice President

We commend Senators Shaheen and Portman for their work on the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act.  As a leader in this field, Dow feels very strongly about the benefits of energy efficiency.  It's simply the easiest, quickest, and often most affordable way to extend our nation's energy supplies, create jobs, and improve America's manufacturing competitiveness.

- George Biltz /Vice President of Energy and Climate Change at Dow Chemical

We applaud the leadership of Senators Rob Portman and Jeanne Shaheen whose Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2011 will ensure that our nation’s ‘first fuel’ Energy Efficiency is an integral part of national energy policy.  Buildings consume more energy than both the transportation and the industrial sectors.  Energy efficiency in buildings is also a job-creator as many, if not most, of the products and services used to make buildings more energy efficient are U.S. job centric businesses. Virtually all of the insulation that Owens Corning provides for its U.S. customers, including its highly acclaimed bio-based Ecotouch insulation, is manufactured in the U.S. with U.S. provided raw materials, and is delivered, sold and installed by U.S. workers. Increasing energy efficiency in buildings presents a win-win as we implement a sound energy policy while creating sustainable U.S. jobs.

- Tom Quigley / Vice President and General Manager for Residential Insulation at Owens Corning

At a time of extremely acrimonious partisanship on Capitol Hill, Senators Shaheen and Portman have reached bravely across the political divide to help American consumers and businesses that are reeling from rising energy costs.  The Alliance applauds Senators Shaheen and Portman for their statesmanship in putting our economy, our energy security and our environment ahead of party politics.  We urge Congress to follow their important lead by enacting the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act of 2011 as quickly as possible.

- Kateri Callahan / President of the Alliance to Save Energy
