Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Technical Interventions

USG HIV/AIDS programs should be tailored to address the epidemic as it is manifested within the country context, address gaps in the existing response, and be in keeping with the comparative advantage of the USG Agency working in country. Not all countries are required to support all key elements of the Global Strategy (i.e. prevention, treatment, and care including people living with HIV/AIDS and orphans and vulnerable children).

However, USG programs in all countries are expected to adhere to the general goals of the Global Strategy, including strengthening leadership in the fight against the epidemic; capacity building for indigenous organizations; and the diversification of in-country partners, including faith-based organizations. Programs receiving greater than $10 million in USG funding are expected to reflect a comprehensive approach to the epidemic in order to ensure that all key technical areas are addressed, if not directly by the USG then by other partners who may or may not receive support from the USG. For example, a country may be supporting AIDS treatment using Global Fund resources. It would not then be expected that USG bilateral resources would be used in this area, although the USG team may choose to provide technical assistance to Global Fund grantees to promote the success of their treatment goals. 

General Policy Guidance for All Bilateral Programs Home Page U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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