
Space Place Musings :: Podcasts

Space Place Musings :: Podcasts

Why is Earth's core so hot?

Fire leaping out of a hole in the ground.

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How did the Milky Way get its name?

Little Lucy gazes at the Milky Way in the sky.

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Is time travel possible?

Cartoon clock carrying a briefcase in running on feet.

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Where is the center of the universe?

Cartoon red ballon covered with black spots evenly spaced.

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Why are stars different sizes?

Cartoon sun.

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What if the Sun became a black hole?

Artist idea of a black hole.

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Why does Earth rotate?

Cartoon of Earth being hit by asteroid.

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What powers a comet?


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Could you fly through a gas giant planet?


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Why do the planets orbit the Sun?

Cartoon showing the orbital paths of the planets, with the Sun in the center.

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What causes the beautiful Northern Lights?

Cartoon showing the orbital paths of the planets, with the Sun in the center.

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