Solar Panels

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Oct 3 2011
Couple standing behind solar panels installed in a field

Humana People to People India’s Development Grants Program-funded “Community Development with Solar Illumination” project promotes the development and utilization of renewable energy via solar devices and services.  The project provides quality illumination based on solar energy to rural households in 100 villages for 30-35,000 people.  Better illumination facilitates the education of children and provides a smoke-free indoor home environment for work done after dark.   Through the installation of solar panels and provision of 60 lanterns in each of 100 villages,  HPPI, an Indian NGO,  is helping to efficiently accelerate and expand utilization of renewable energy devices and services all over India.  In each of the 100 villages, entrepreneurs rent out the lanterns each night for a minimal fee. The project is also creating Self Help Groups (SHGs) to promote savings, inter-loaning among members and the receipt of larger loans from local banks.