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2009 Warden Messages

Increase in Crime (November 25, 2009)

November 25, 2009

Embassy of the United States of America
Maputo - Mozambique

Consular Section

Increase In Crime

This Warden Message alerts U.S. citizens to an increase in crime in Maputo and other large cities in Mozambique.  Traditionally, there is a rise in crime this time of year (November – January), particularly armed assaults.  While a variety of factors contribute to this increase, crime is widespread in Mozambique throughout the year.  Areas where expatriates live and work are frequently the targets of criminals because they are locations of perceived wealth.

The U.S. Embassy would like to provide the following security reminders as we head into this season of increased crime:

• Be aware of your surroundings, including people and vehicles in your vicinity.  Recent incidents indicate armed assailants often travel in groups of three or four individuals.

• Remain vigilant and be aware of any vehicles following you as you approach your residence.  This is a time when you are vulnerable to attack.

• Do not pull into your driveway if you are waiting for a guard to open your gate.  This action allows an attacker to stop behind your vehicle and block your escape.  Remain on the street until your gate is opened, then pull into your driveway. Always leave an escape route.

• If you are confronted by armed assailants, do not resist.  Cooperate to the extent possible and get away from the scene as quickly as possible.  In the majority of incidents, attackers only want your valuables, and your valuables are not worth your life. 

• Keep your windows rolled up and doors locked while traveling, and particularly when stopped in traffic.

• Limit travel during hours of darkness and never walk alone.

•  If you are involved in a security incident anywhere in Mozambique, please contact the Consular Section to report it and to obtain assistance if needed.

• Keep the gates and exterior doors locked while inside your residence.  Never hide a key on the property.

• Do not admit anyone into your residence or even open the door without first verifying their identity.  Make use of peep holes or windows adjacent to doors.

U.S. citizens living or traveling in Mozambique are encouraged to register with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate through the State Department's travel registration website, so that they can obtain updated information on travel and security within Mozambique.  Citizens without Internet access may register online at the U.S. Embassy.  By registering, U.S. citizens make it easier for the Embassy to contact them in case of emergency.

The U.S. Embassy is located in Maputo at 193 Avenida Kenneth Kaunda, telephone (258) 21 49 2797.  The after-hours telephone numbers for use in emergencies are (258) 21 49 0723 and 21 49 2797.  The Consular Section's e-mail address is  The Embassy's web site is