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Consular Section

Final Reminder to Vote

October 14, 2008

American citizens should vote now in the November 4, 2008 presidential and general elections.  If you registered to vote and requested an absentee ballot by your state’s deadline, you should have already received your state absentee ballot.  Please return your marked ballot now!

Ballot hasn’t arrived?

If your ballot has not arrived, use the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB).  The FWAB serves as an emergency ballot for voters who registered in time but fail to receive an official ballot from local election officials.  The FWAB is available at or from any U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

If your regular state ballot arrives after you have mailed the FWAB, complete and mail the state ballot as well.

Returning your ballot

Voted ballots and FWABs may be mailed to your local voting officials in the United States through first-class international mail or from any U.S. Embassy or Consulate.  Last-minute voters should consider using an express courier company to deliver their ballots.  A few states also accept completed ballots by fax or e-mail.

The U.S. Embassy in Maputo has arranged for collection points throughout Mozambique for completed absentee or Federal Write-In Absentee Ballots.  The collected ballots will be sent free of charge via DHL to the Embassy in Maputo where they will be sent via FedEx to the U.S. and enter the U.S. postal system faster than through the Embassy’s diplomatic pouch.  If you are interested in this service, please email immediately.  DHL shipments to Maputo will take place October 21st.


The Voting Assistance Officer at the U.S. Embassy Maputo is available to answer questions about absentee voting.  To contact the Voting Assistance Officer, call +258 21 49 2797 x3439 or send an e-mail to