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Max Impact is the premier rock band of the United States Air Force. The band's six members perform exciting classic and current rock and country hits, as well as patriotic favorites and original music.

Max Impact is one of the Air Force's most powerful, successful and highly-utilized strategic communication assets. At home or abroad, their high-energy performances assist in enhancing troop morale, building partnership capacities with local and foreign communities, increasing recruiting and retention efforts and inspiring patriotism using effective and powerful music.

Through tours, performances and recordings Max Impact reaches millions, showcasing Air Force excellence on some of the greatest stages in the world. They perform at high-level events for the White House, State Department, Department of Defense and numerous other high-level military and civilian functions, using music to advance international relationships and inspire positive and long-lasting impressions of the United States Air Force and the United States of America.

In addition to entertaining military and civilian audiences in the United States, Max Impact has thrilled troops with their trademark high-intensity, hard-rocking vivacity and amazing musical versatility at forward deployed locations, including Iraq and Afghanistan. These performances prove to be a well-needed "taste of home" for remotely stationed servicemembers, bolstering troop morale and esprit de corps. Additionally, the band supports the Air Force and its local communities through creating innovative projects and performances, capitalizing on the latest in multimedia and technological advances in music production.

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