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Emergency Visas

Applicants are expected to apply for a visa well in advance of a trip.  We recognize, however, that an urgent need for travel may suddenly arise.  Criteria include:
  • You to need to obtain urgent medical care in the U.S.;
  • You need to accompany an immediate family member who requires urgent medical care. Immediate family members include mother, father, brother, sister, child, grandparent or grandchild;
  • An immediate family member in the U.S. has a serious medical condition and requires your presence urgently;
  • You need to attend the funeral of an immediate family member; or
  • You need to attend an urgent and late breaking business matter, where the need to travel to the U.S. could not have been foreseen.

To request an emergency visa please do the following:

  1. Complete steps 1 to 3 to complete online application, pay the interview fee, and schedule your appointments at the Applicant Service Center (ASC) and Consulate. 
  2. Once you have your ASC and Consulate appointments fill out the Emergency Visa Request Form located on the U.S. Embassy’s website.  When filling out the form for your request you will have the opportunity to provide a justification of why your travel is urgent and could not be foreseen.  You should give a brief but complete explanation, state the dates of your appointment at the ASC and Consulate, and explain why you cannot wait until those dates.  For example:

    “My appointment at the ASC is March 1 and my Consulate appointment March 2, but today is February 1 and I just found out last night that my mother is in critical condition at Cedar Oaks Hospital in Los Angeles, room 214.  I would like to travel as soon as possible to visit her.”
  3. We will review requests on a case by case basis.  If you request is approved we will contact you directly with instructions.  If your request is denied you will need to wait until your already-scheduled ASC and Consulate appointments to apply for your visa.

Still Have Questions?

  • Questions (State Dept)

    If after reviewing all available visa information on our website you still have questions such as:

    1. "How do I apply for a visa?"
    2. "How much does it cost?"
    3. "What's the difference between the adult and minor fees?"

    Please call: (999) 285-6000

    If you have a more specific problem or issue such as:

    1. "I paid the visa fee for all 4 family members but the appointment website is only recognizing payment for 3 of them. What do I do?"
    2. "I applied for my visa two weeks ago and the Vice Consul told me it was approved but the Air Waybill doesn't appear on the appointment website."

    Please send an e-mail to: