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State Alumni Global Network

State Alumni Global Network

State Alumni are all past and current participants of U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs.

There are more than 1,000,000 State alumni worldwide, some of them including over 300 current and former heads of state, 47 Nobel Laureates, leading academics, and citizens committed to improving their local communities.

More than 500 Montenegrins have visited the U.S.A. on U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs  to date, including students (A-SMYLE; FORECAST programs), as well as distinguished professionals (International Visitors Leadership Program; Media Exchange Programs) and academic leaders (Fulbright; Hubert H. Humphrey) etc.

If you are one of them, please register at the State Alumni global community. This resource offers valuable tools to help you build upon your experience in the U.S.A.:

  • Network with alumni from other exchange programs
  • Find grant and job opportunities
  • Access free periodicals, newspapers and more
  • Find the latest research in their field, plus career enhancing information
  • Participate in Q&A Livediscussions with experts
  • Share their experience with a global audience
  • Read alumni success stories, perspectives and ideas

Montenegrin American Youth Alumni Association (MAYAA)

Student Alumni of A-SMYLE (high-school exchange) and FORECAST (USAID funded undergraduate exchange) programs from Montenegro established and registered their first joint alumni organization called Montenegrin American Youth Alumni Association (MAYAA). If you are one of them, have a look at the box on the right and join MAYAA Facebook Group.




Additional resource

More about the State Alumni web-site  (PDF file - 1,247 kb)

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