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Rwanda - U.S. Alumni
State Alumni

State Alumni

The U.S. Embassy in Kigali sponsors a variety of international exchange programs each year, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). These exchanges are designed to enhance mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and Rwanda. The Department of State is committed to supporting alumni by providing resources that will help them to build upon their exchange experience.

Who is an alumnus/alumna?

You are an alumnus/alumna of a USG–sponsored program if you have participated in at least one of the following exchange programs:

  • Fulbright Exchange Programs
  • International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP)
  • Voluntary Visitor Program  
  • Summer Institutes for African Student Leaders
  • Hubert Humphrey Fellowship 
  • Youth Ambassadors

Alumni Opportunities

U.S. government-sponsored exchange program participants and alumni living in Rwanda have a number of possibilities to get involved in post-exchange activities, and access specialized resources:

If you are an alumnus(a) and have ideas for events or activities, we want to hear from you! Please contact:

Specialized resources from the Information Resource Center

The Online Global Community for Alumni

STATE ALUMNI is the official website for more than 1,000,000 alumni of exchange programs sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Interactive, dynamic, and password-protected, offers alumni from U.S. government-sponsored exchange programs a place to:

  • Network with alumni from Fulbright, IVLP, and other programs
  • Find grant and funding opportunities worth more than $33 billion
  • Access more than 20,000 free periodicals, newspapers, and more
  • Find the latest research in your field, plus job and career resources
  • Participate in Q&A Live discussions with experts
  • Share your experience with a global audience
  • Read alumni success stories, perspectives, and ideas

The emphasis in State Alumni is on user-created content, so members are encouraged to post events, job announcements, news, photos, and grant opportunities directly to State Alumni. You can access the global community.

All alumni are invited to register for the site by clicking “Join Now.” All members are verified as alumni of a U.S. government-sponsored exchange program before receiving full access.