United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary

Chairman's Welcome


About the Committee


Committee Members




Committee History

  Procedural Documents


Legislative Work - 110th Congress


Legislative Work - 111th Congress


Internship Program




  About the Judiciary Committee

The jurisdiction of the House Committee on the Judiciary is as follows:

  1. The judiciary and judicial proceedings, civil and criminal.
  2. Administrative practice and procedure.
  3. Apportionment of Representatives.
  4. Bankruptcy, mutiny, espionage, and counterfeiting.
  5. Civil liberties.
  6. Constitutional amendments.
  7. Criminal law enforcement.
  8. Federal courts and judges, and local courts in the Territories and possessions.
  9. Immigration policy and non-border enforcement.
  10. Interstate compacts generally.
  11. Claims against the United States.
  12. Members of Congress, attendance of members, Delegates, and the Resident Commissioner; and their acceptance of incompatible offices.
  13. National penitentiaries.
  14. Patents, the Patent and Trademark Office, copyrights, and trademarks.
  15. Presidential succession.
  16. Protection of trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies.
  17. Revision and codification of the Statutes of the United States.
  18. State and territorial boundary lines.
  19. Subversive activities affecting the internal security of the United States.
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