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Services for U.S. Companies

Interested in doing business in Japan?

From a simple web posting, to customized research, to in-person meetings, the U.S. Commercial Service can help you find partners for doing business in Japan. Take advantage of the name recognition of the U.S. Embassy to open doors and take your first steps toward success in the world's second largest economy.

Single Company Promotion (SCP)

The Single Company Promotion (SCP) is designed to introduce new-to-market U.S. companies to the Japanese market and to raise the profile of U.S. products and services in Japan. CS Japan will work with U.S. companies and/or their authorized Japanese representatives to develop professional, effective promotional events or other strategic activities, such as technical seminars and product/service launch events, designed to connect the U.S. company with targeted Japanese buyers.

Fees and delivery times are determined by a Scope of Work designed to meet the U.S. company's specific objectives, and may vary depending on local conditions and the availability of physical facilities and staff resources.

Click here for details.

Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE)

Featured U.S. Exporters (FUSE) is a directory of U.S. products and services that appears on our local Japanese language website, targeting our audience of Japanese importers, distributors, wholesales, and agents. Each FUSE posting also appears in one issue of our biweekly Japanese language email newsletter, sent to over 3,700 Japanese subscribers. Reach out to them - in Japanese - by becoming a Featured U.S. Exporter on the site. Click here for details.

Gold Key Service (GKS)

If you plan to visit Japan, we can arrange business appointments for you with potential partners. Our industry specialists put you face-to-face with pre-screened companies that have expressed interest in working with you, enabling you to make the most efficient use of your time in Japan. The Gold Key Service is offered in all major Japanese cities. Click here for more details.

Platinum Key Service (PKS)

Our industry specialists can help you identify emerging market opportunities, develop effective market entry and sales strategies, understand regulatory and licensing requirements and the duty/tariff/quota structure for your products, advise on potential market entry barriers, and more important elements of doing business in Japan. Fees are based on a mutually agreed-upon scope of work and length of service. For more information click here.

Ensuring Fair Trade

If you believe your company is facing unfair or unnecessary access barriers to the Japanese market, consult with our Market Access and Compliance unit.  Our team of experts in Japan and the United States works to broaden access to the Japanese market for American firms and workers and to ensure full compliance with bilateral and multilateral trade agreements. In line with the Department of Commerce's Standards Initiative, one focus of our efforts is assisting U.S. firms with technical barriers to trade, such as standards-related testing/certification issues that may be impacting their ability to do business in the Japanese market. Click here for more information.

Industry Alerts on Changes in Japan’s Standards and Regulatory Environment

This weekly industry alert is prepared by the Commercial Service Japan Market Access and Compliance unit and is intended to keep U.S. companies abreast of potentially significant new Japanese regulatory actions that could have an impact on market access opportunities in Japan.  Click here for more information.

Customized Market Research (CMR)

If you need more customized research to address questions and issues related to your specific product or service in the Japanese marketplace, try our Customized Market Research. Available on a quick turn-around basis, research can address such issues as overall marketability of your product or service, price of comparable products or services, distribution channels, entry barriers, and more important elements of doing business in Japan. Fees vary according to the scope of work. For more information click here.

International Company Profile (ICP)

The International Company Profile (ICP) helps U.S. companies evaluate potential business partners with confidence by providing detailed research reports on Japanese firms. The ICP is a summary of information obtained by the Commercial Service in Japan on a subject firm, including the most recent financial information on the company derived from publicly available sources, a review of local, regional, and national media, telephone interviews with references (buyers, suppliers, and others), and a visit to the company by a Commercial Service representative. This ICP is not intended to be a substitute for a comprehensive due diligence review to meet obligations under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977. The fee for the ICP is shown below and the turn-around time is negotiable. For more information, please send an e-mail to office.tokyo@trade.gov.

●Fee Structure for ICP




Large Company      



For New-to-Export SMEs, there may be an additional discount.

*A Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer employees or self-certified as a small business under SBA regulations.

Business Facilitation Service (BFS)

We provide various trade promotion services that do not fit into our other service categories. The scope of work and the fee will vary depending on level and type of assistance you require. For more information, please send an email to office.tokyo@trade.gov.

U.S. Pavilions at Japanese Trade Events

We organize a wide range of trade events each year, including U.S. pavilions at major Japanese trade shows, technical seminars, etc. These events are designed to feature U.S. products and services in the best possible environment. We normally integrate our events with market briefings and off-site visits to increase the value of your visit to Japan. A complete listing of all trade exhibitions, forthcoming CS Japan events, along with linked information on how to participate, is provided in our Event Calendar.

Commercial News USA

Commercial News USA is the official export promotion magazine of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The catalog-style magazine is designed to help U.S. companies find buyers and distributors for their products and services.

Commercial News USA is distributed every two months, free of charge, to readers in 178 countries outside of the United States, including Japan. The magazine is mailed directly to qualified recipients, such as pre-screened agents, distributors, buyers, end-users, and selected multiplier organizations. Free copies are also available at industry trade shows and other events in which the U.S. Commercial Service participates.

Commercial News USA gets results! According to data collected from buyers around the world, advertising in Commercial News USA generates an estimated:

  • 2,000 purchases per year of U.S. products and services
  • $90 million a year in sales
  • $7.5 million a month in exports from the U.S.

Potential customers can now access CNUSA online, and so can you! Click here for advertising rates and information, or call 1-800-581-8533.
Reserve your space in the next issue of Commercial News USA!



The U.S. Commercial Service promotes American exports and protects U.S. commercial interests abroad.  Our export promotion programs should not be construed as an endorsement of any specific company or product.  We are pleased to support the marketing efforts of U.S. companies in the U.S., and all firms selling American goods and services in Japan.

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