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Communication and Information
Large screen projecting an image of Secretary Clinton Speaking on Internet Freedom (State Dept)

Secretary Clinton Speaks on Internet Freedom (State Dept)

The U.S. Mission works with the Communication and Information Sector and member states to address key priorities such as the follow-up from the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The WSIS Tunis Agenda affirms the importance of the free flow of information and technology to facilitate positive economic, social and political development. The U.S. Mission also supports the work of UNESCO to promote media freedom worldwide and its digital library programs, including the U.S. Library of Congress and UNESCO’s World Digital Library initiative.

The U. S. is also pleased to be a member of the Sector's International Program for the Development of Communication Council (IPDC). The IPDC is the only multilateral forum in the UN system that engages the international community in the promotion and strengthening of free and independent media in developing countries around the world. The U. S. was one of the founding members of the program over twenty-five years ago, and since 2003 has supported projects in Central Asia, Latin America and Africa.