[Header] PHMSA - U.S. Department of Transportation - Pipeline and Hazardous materials Safety Adminis
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Information about gaining approval to manufacturer or requalify cylinders of various types as well as listings of authorized cylinder manufacturers and requalifiers.

Approvals Search Tools

The approvals search tool is a powerful and effective method to determine the current status of a submission, existing approval, pending approval, terminated approval or expired approval.

If you need information concerning application status that is not available in this search, please contact: approvals@dot.gov or call 202/366-3987.

3AL Cylinder Information
Cylinder-Related Federal Register Documents
The following Federal Register postings are cylinder-related and primarily consist of NPRMs, Final Rules, and Safety Advisory Notices within the last 5 years.
77 FR 64590 PHMSA-2012-0170 (Notice No. 12-7): Safety Advisory: Unauthorized Marking of Compressed Gas Cylinders Oct 22, 2012
77 FR 31551 - ANPRM PHMSA-2011-0140 (HM-234): Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Amendments Pertaining to DOT Specification Cylinders (RRR) May 29, 2012
77 FR 1975 PHMSA-2011-0328 (Notice No. 11-15): Safety Advisory: Unauthorized Marking of Compressed Gas Cylinders Jan 12, 2012
76 FR 71124 PHMSA-2011-0241 (Notice No. 11-10); Safety Advisory: Unauthorized Marking of Compressed Gas Cylinders Nov 16, 2011
74 FR 16135 - Final Rule PHMSA-2006-25910 (HM-218E): Hazardous Materials: Miscellaneous Cargo Tank Motor Vehicle and Cylinder Issues; Petitions for Rulemaking Apr 9, 2009
How Do I Get an Approval?
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