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Buffalo Bill Spillway
(Above) Pathfinder Reservoir Flows Over the Uncontrolled Spillway at Pathfinder Dam, June 18, 2010. More images of High Water in Wyoming
Wyoming Area Office

P.O. Box 1630
Mills, WY 82644
Phone(307) 261-5671
Fax (307) 261-5683

Area Manager:
Coleman Smith, Jr.

Reclamation has been involved with the conservation and development of Wyoming's water resources for more than 100 years. The agency's Wyoming Area Office (WYAO) administers several multipurpose projects which provide an important economic base to the region by supplying water to 43 irrigation entities which collectively serve more than 580,000 acres of land, and 8 municipal and industrial contractors, as well as providing hydroelectric power, flood control, fish and wildlife enhancement and recreation.

More Public Invovlement Links

The Wyoming Area Office in Mills, Wyoming, manages the Boysen, Glendo, Hanover-Bluff, Kortes, Owl Creek, and Riverton units of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, the Shoshone Project in the Bighorn River Basin, and the North Platte and Kendrick Projects in the North Platte River Basin. Features of the North Platte Project (also managed by the Wyoming Area Office extend into Nebraska.)

WYAO facilities include 20 reservoirs and 19 dams with a collective storage capacity of more than 4.5 million acre-feet, and 12 power plants with a combined installed capacity of almost 250 megawatts. The WYAO utilizes a supervisory control system for operation of the Federal dams and power plants on the North Platte, Wind, Bighorn, and Shoshone Rivers in Wyoming, and also provides supervisory control for Yellowtail and Canyon Ferry Power plants in Montana.


Recreation Links
Operating Plans, Wyoming Area Office
Precipitation Summaries, Wyoming Area Office
Reservoir Allocations, Wyoming Area Office  

Last Updated: February 7, 2013

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