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Rural Water Supply Program

The Rural Water Supply Program is a program that Reclamation is developing pursuant to the Rural Water Supply Act of 2006, Public Law 109-451.

The Act authorized Reclamation to establish a program to work with rural communities, including tribes, throughout the 17 western states to assess potable water supply needs and to identify options to address those needs through appraisal investigations and feasibility studies.

Draft Rural Water Assessment Report

The documents referenced in the Federal Register on June 15, 2012 are now available. Reclamation will accept public comment on the documents for 60 days. Comments are now due on September 10, 2012, at 5 P.M. MDT.

The draft Assessment Report reviews the status of Reclamation's rural water projects and the agency’s plan for future activities on authorized projects.  It also includes Reclamation's proposed construction funding prioritization Criteria for Rural Water projects.

Draft Rural Water Assessment Report

Reclamation's FY 2013 budget seeks $69.6 Million for Rural Water Supply Program - (Feb. 13, 2012) President Obama's FY 2013 budget request for Reclamation's Rural Water Program seeks $69.6 million in funding for Reclamation's seven ongoing authorized rural water projects. This includes $18 million for operation and maintenance of tribal features for two projects - the Mni Wiconi and Garrison Diversion Unit — and $51.6 million in construction funding combined for the seven projects.
News Release | Budget Justification | Fact Sheet

Additional $30 Million Provided for Six Rural Water Projects - (Feb. 8, 2012) Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today announced $30 million in funding for rural water construction projects to help advance six infrastructure projects that will deliver clean, reliable drinking water to remote areas. More...




General Information

Interim Final Rule

The interim final rule which establishes the criteria for the Rural Water Supply Program was published on November 17, 2008. Read the Rule in HTML, PDF. More...

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Last updated: 8/8/12