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Technical Service Center

Economics and Resource Planning Team

Contact Del Smith, Team Leader
Building 67, Fifth Floor, 86-68212
Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colorado

The Technical Service Center's Economics and Resource Planning Team focuses on the social and economic aspects of water resource planning, development, and management. Our areas of expertise include:

Economics and Resource Planning Group
We provide a wide range of expertise in water resource-related planning, economic and financial analyses, recreation, cultural resources, multidisciplinary team management, public involvement, conflict resolution, social analysis, facilitation, and conference planning. We also perform studies and provides support in project planning and evaluation and for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance activities. A few of the projects being conducted include support of Truckee River Operating Agreement activities; public involvement, social analysis, recreation evaluation, economics and financial analyses for the planning report/EIS for the Yakima River Basin Water Storage project; economic cost, lost benefit, and repayment evaluations for Safety of Dams studies; and hydropower valuation for Colorado River studies.

For further information about the Economics and Resource Planning Team, our people, and the services we provide, we invite you to click on any of the links on the left-hand navigation bar, or contact Del Smith at:
  P.O. Box 25007
     Attn: 86-68212
Denver, CO 80225-0007
Phone:  303-445-2516
Fax:  303-445-6380
E-mail:  DMSmith@usbr.gov