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Welcome to U.S. Commercial Service Liaison Office to the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

The U.S. is the largest single shareholder in the EBRD, the world’s newest multilateral development bank. The Bank’s program promotes the growth of market-based economies in 30 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. With US$20 billion of capital, the Bank offers a wide range of financing mechanisms to promote privatization, restructuring, and liberalization in this highly dynamic region.

The U.S. Commercial Service Liaison Office to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (CS-EBRD) is an integral part of U.S. representation at the EBRD and works closely with the Executive Director's office to increase the effectiveness of U.S. participation in Bank programs. CS-EBRD provides information to U.S. businesses on how the EBRD works and how U.S. companies can participate in EBRD projects. CS-EBRD also offers guidance to U.S. companies throughout the project cycle.


EBRD NOW ON YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/ebrdtv

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

EBRD Building