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Consular/Non-Immigrant Visas

Q: How much will a visa cost?
A: Please refer to the Fees for Non-Immigrant Visas section of our web site.

Q: Will I get my money back if I am refused a visa?
A:  No, the Visa Processing Fee of $ $131 is non-refundable.

Q: What kind of documents should I present in order to receive a visa?
A: As a rule, the consular officer does not refuse visa applications under section 214(b) because of a lack of documents.  The consular officer makes the decision based on a review of the overall circumstances surrounding each individual applicant.

Q: What is section 214(b)?
A: For information on visa refusals under 214(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, please click here.

Q: Why did the consular officer refuse me without even looking at my documents?
A: The consular officer carefully reviews each application form, which you filled out, and often, this information, together with the information from the interview, is enough to make a decision.

Q: I have an invitation - why can't I get a visa?
A: An invitation is not a guarantee or a basis to issue a visa.  More often than not, a consular officer will not require an invitation.

Q: Can my American friend (or relative) guarantee my return?
A: The American government does not take guarantees from anyone regarding the issuance of visas.

Q: Can I appeal to the Ambassador to change the consular officer's decision?
A: The Ambassador does not deal with visas.  Under U.S. law, only the consular has the authority and responsibility to issue or deny visas

U.S. Government Educational Exchange Programs

Q: Who can apply for these programs, and what are the specific requirements of each program?
A: Please cliсk on the title of each program on the Exchange Programs page to read more about their requirements and restrictions.

Q: What are degree and non-degree programs?
A: In a degree program, the participant receives a degree at the end of the exchange program (bachelor's, masters, etc.)  In a non-degree program, the participant usually studies in the U.S. for one year or less and does not receive a degree at the end.

Q: What are the age limits for each program?
A: Most programs do not have age limits, but focus on academic level or professional achievements.  The exceptions are YEO and FLTA.

Q: Do I have to take the TOEFL exam?
A: Yes, for the following programs:  Hubert Humphrey, UGRAD, Muskie, and FLTA.  The U.S. Embassy will pay for and arrange the TOEFL exam for you at the appropriate point in the application process, usually after the semifinalist interviews. 

Q: May I apply to two or more U.S. Government exchange programs at the same time?
A: YES, if you are eligible for both.  If you are chosen as a finalist for both, you must make a choice.  You may NOT accept awards from both programs.  You should be open and honest about the fact that you have applied to both programs.

Q: Can I apply again?
A: Provided that you did not lie or misrepresent information in your previous application, or (in the event you were ineligible) your status has changed so that you meet the eligibility requirements, you may reapply.  To reapply, you MUST submit a new application with all new accompanying documents, including recommendation letters.  Applications change every year, and NO application materials are kept on file or returned to the applicant.

Information Resource Center (IRC)

Q: What is the IRC?
A: The Information Resource Center (IRC) is the Embassy's research and reference service.  It offers users a sophisticated collection of non-circulating books, videos and other materials on topics such as U.S. politics, government, laws, foreign policies, defense, society, U.S. and international economics etc.

Q: Who can use the IRC?
A: IRC services are primarily available to Uzbek government officials, NGO representatives, journalists, academics, librarians, graduate students and alumni of U.S. government exchange programs.  Visitors can access the IRC's databases and use the Internet at IRC guest computers.  All services are free.

Q: Do you accept reference requests?
A: Yes.  If you have a specific question about a topic related to the United States, you may send it to the IRC via fax, e-mail or phone.  The IRC makes every effort to respond as quickly as possible.   

Q: What are the working hours?
A: Visitors will be able to use the facility on an appointment only basis, Monday through Friday, from 10:00 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 17:00.

Q: How do I contact the IRC?
A: For reference requests and appointments, please contact the IRC at: Phone: (998-71) 120-5450  Fax: (998-71) 120-6335 Email:

Democracy Commission Small Grants Program   

Q: What is the Democracy Commission Small Grants Program?
A: Inaugurated in 1994, the U.S. Department of State's Democracy Commission Small Grants Program enables U.S. Embassies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to provide financial support to host country NGOs involved in developing democratic institutions and creating a civil society. 

Q:  Who can apply for a Democracy Commission grant?
A:  Grants will be awarded to non-governmental, non-profit organizations (NGOs) and media outlets, which are engaged in, or propose to carry out, a project the purpose of which fits within the program guidelines.

Q: Is there a deadline for submitting proposals?
A: Proposals can be submitted to the Democracy Commission throughout the year.  The Commission meets four to six times a year to review proposals and issue grants. 

Democracy Outreach / Alumni Grants Program

Q: What is the Democracy Outreach / Alumni Grants Program?
A: Funded through the FREEDOM Support Act, the U.S. Department of State's Democracy Outreach / Alumni Grants Program enables U.S. Embassies in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to provide financial support to the alumni of U.S. Government exchange programs in developing democratic institutions and creating a civil society. 

Q: Who can apply for a Democracy Outreach / Alumni grant?
A: Grants are awarded to indigenous organizations and initiative groups that have U.S. Government exchange program alumni as members or to individual alumni that are engaged in, or propose to carry out, a project whose purpose fits within the program guidelines.     

Q: Is there a deadline for submitting proposals?
A: Proposals can be submitted to the Democracy Outreach / Alumni Grants Program throughout the year.  The awards committee reviews proposals and issue grants bimonthly.