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Ambassador's Speeches

Alex Katz Exhibition Opening

Essl Museum, September 14, 2012
Amb.Eacho speaking at the opening (© U.S. Embassy/R.Fuchs)


Mr. Essl, Mr. Katz, Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!

I am delighted to be here tonight to open this exhibition of one of America’s finest artists. I will try to do this partly in English and in German. Please forgive me if my German is less than perfect!

Ich freue mich sehr, heute Abend diese Ausstellung zu eröffnen. Alex Katz und Österreich – das scheint eine gute Verbindung zu sein. Meine Frau Donna und ich sind seit drei Jahren in Österreich und dies ist bereits die zweite große Alex Katz Ausstellung die ich eröffnen darf. Ich versichere Ihnen, es ist trotzdem eine grosse Ehre fuer mich!.

It is a great pleasure to look at Alex Katz's paintings, and at the people and places in them; the urban portraitures, as well as the landscapes of Maine, a place close to my heart as well. When we think of Alex Katz’s work, we think in terms of bold simplicity, flatness of color and form sometimes described as stylish, cartoon-like, timeless; or as the Tate Gallery described his work, “cool but seductive emotional detachment”.

Indeed, Alex Katz is often called the inventor of cool painting. But when he started in New York City, decorative or realistic painting was not considered cool at all. Abstraction was hip then. Luckily that did not put him off.

Audrey Hepburn once said: “Why change? Everyone has his own style. When you have found it, you should stick to it.”

This is exactly what Alex Katz has done, while exploring new themes. For over 50 years, with a dogged consistency and remarkable sensibility, he has worked in the same style. By doing so he has produced an outstanding body of work that constitutes a unique aspect of modern realism.

Alex Katz arbeitet seit mehr als 50 Jahren auf die gleiche Weise; und das sehr erfolgreich, was sich auch an den Marktpreisen seiner Bilder zeigt. Bedeutende Künstler haben eines gemein: Sie sind stilprägend. Alex Katz hat Generationen von Künstlern inspiriert und beeinflusst. Er hat, wie wir schon gehört haben, auch den Weg geebnet für die Pop Art Bewegung. Als Andy Warhol die ersten Drucke seiner Marilyn-Reihe sah, soll er gesagt haben: "die sehen ja aus wie von Alex Katz!"

Today, Mr. Katz’s paintings can be found in the world's best museums. In New York City, for example, his work is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art, and the Whitney Museum of American Art. You also find his work in the Tate Gallery in London, the Pompidou Centre in Paris, the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Tokyo, and the Albertina in Vienna.

As the U.S. Ambassador to Austria, I am delighted that this wonderful museum here in Klosterneuburg belongs to the distinguished group of institutions that own and present works by Mr. Katz. The pieces assembled here not only provide great insight into the range of Mr. Katz’s artistic genius dnd his influential style. They also pay vivid testimony to his well deserved reputation as one of the most important artists of American contemporary art.

Mr. Katz, please accept my sincere congratulations on your work and your achievements. And to you, Professor Essl, and to your team: Vielen Dank für das Organisieren dieser wundervollen Ausstellung!

I wish you much success.

Meine Damen und Herren, vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! “Die Ausstellung ist hiermit eröffnet!” Let’s enjoy Alex Katz’s work!