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Proposed Bills that Chris has authored

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House Passes Smith-Meng 354-72
February 13, 2013  - The House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly today to put houses of worship—many of which were severely damaged by Superstorm Sandy but nonetheless continued to serve ravaged coastal communities—on an even playing field with other non-profit organizations seeking disaster assistance. H.R. 592, ... More

Smith-Meng Legislation on House Floor Wednesday:Congress to Take Up Bill to Allow Houses of Worship Same Status as Other Non-Profits Seeking Federal Disaster Aid
February 12, 2013  - A bill expected to be debated on the floor of the House of Representatives Wednesday seeks to put houses of worship—many of which were damaged by Superstorm Sandy but went on to serve ravaged coastal communities—on a level playing field with other non-profit organizations seeking disaster assistance... More

Rep. Smith Introduces Lyme Disease Bill
February 12, 2013  - Gearing up to renew the fight to improve Lyme disease research, diagnostics and treatments, earlier today, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) formally registered the bipartisan Lyme Disease Caucus in the 113th Congress and introduced legislation to establish a federal Tick-Borne... More

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