What is iWATCH?

“iWATCH, iREPORT, i KEEP US SAFE (iWATCH) & iSALUTE" are awareness programs to educate the community about behaviors and activities that may have a connection to terrorism and criminal activity. It is a partnership between our U.S. military/civilian community and the Directorate of Emergency Service. View the iWATCH video.

Do crimes really happen on post?

Suspicious activity can be observed both on and off post, which is why it's so important to know the people who live around you -- you can work together to protect each other.

What can I do?

For starters, get to know your neighbors. You can download the on-post neighborhood map or the off-post neighborhood map to help you keep track of the pertinent information about the community members who live right around you.

What type of behaviors and activities should I report?

  • • People drawing or measuring important buildings.
    • Strangers asking questions about security or building security procedures.
    • Briefcase, suitcase, backpack or package left behind.
    • Cars or trucks left in no parking zones in front of important buildings.
    • Intruders in secure areas where they are not supposed to be.
    • Chemical smells or fumes that worry you.
    • People asking questions about sensitive information such as building blueprints, security plans or VIP travel schedules without a right or need to know.
    • Purchasing supplies or equipment that can be used to make bombs or weapons or purchasing uniforms without having the proper credentials.

  • Why should I report suspicious activity?

  • It is your awareness reported to police that can help predict and prevent attacks before they happen.
    Since 9/11, we can and must work together to prevent future attacks. It is always better to report behaviors and activities that do not seem right. Remember that the iWATCH program is about behaviors and activities, not individuals.

How can I schedule formal iWATCH training on how to identify and report suspicious activity for my organization?

Formal iWATCH training/crime prevention briefings are available by request. Online annual anti-terrorism training is also available here.

What is an Active Shooter?

Active shooters are individuals who attempt to kill people in confined and populated areas, often displaying no pattern in their selection of victims. It is not an uncommon terrorist tactic. Active shooter situations tend to be unpredictable and evolve quickly, often before law enforcement personnel arrive.

What are some tips for survival during an Active Shooter incident?

• Evacuate and have an escape route and plan in mind.
• Leave your belongings behind.
• If evacuation is not possible, find a place where the active shooter is less likely to find you (office with door, furniture to block the door or hide behind large items).
• Be out of the active shooter’s view, do not trap or restrict your options for movement.
• Crouch to avoid Ricocheting bullets.
• If in an office or room lock the door and silence your cell phone.
• Keep your hands visible when security personnel arrive.
• Evacuate in the direction first responders are entering.
• Follow the instructions of security personnel.

What is an Insider Threat?

An insider threat can be an employee or student who has the ability to penetrate existing security. Their success is measured by deliberate or inadvertent acts of theft of hardware, software, organizational equipment, government property or posses the ability to carry out acts of terrorism.

What are the early recognitions of a threat that can prevent an incident?

• Anti-American statements asserting that US policy and authority is illegitimate
• Aggression or threats toward coworkers
• Presence of unauthorized weapons
• Attempts to communicate with US enemies
• Abnormal mood swings or depression, withdrawn behavior, decrease in hygiene, suicidal remarks, paranoia
• Unfounded allegations of US persecution or prejudice against a minority group or religion

Contact Information

iWATCH training Request

DSN 388-2357
Civ. 06221-57-2357

Heidelberg military police desk

DSN 388-2222
Civ. 06221-678-2222
Email: MP Desk

Mannheim military police desk

DSN 385-3359
Civ. 0621-730-3359

Vogelweh Law Enforcement Center

DSN 489-6060/7070
Civ. 0631-536-6060/7070

Report a suspicious activity

USAG BW Service Directory