About The PilotWeb Site

Welcome to the PilotWeb site. This Site provides access to current NOTAM information from the United States NOTAM System.

This site is sponsored by the FAA Aeronautical Information Management Office. Website design/operation and program management for Pilotweb is provided by the NAS Aeronautical Information Management Enterprise System (NAIMES) Program.

For questions or comments regarding this site, please send an email to pilotweb@faa.gov.

This PilotWeb site incorporates many features to assist the user when retrieving NOTAM requests. Real time NOTAM data is available to includes domestic, international, military and from Flight Data Centers (FDC).

Users may select only those NOTAMs they wish to display using the check box provided for each NOTAM and clicking the Display Selected NOTAMs button.

Users will not need to consult FLIP to determine if a location has NOTAM support. The system will provide a plain language notice, that the requested location is not in the U.S. NOTAM System. If the requested location is not covered, it does not transmit NOTAM information to the USNS. You must contact the requested location to receive NOTAM information.

The system will allow users to request NOTAM information in either Raw Text or Report Text format. Raw Text is the international machine readable ICAO format with multiple report fields, NOTAM series, and NOTAM numbers displayed. Report Text is the translated NOTAM summary format which users may find desirable. Report Text format will also insert a blank line between each NOTAM to improve readability.

Although information presented within the U.S. NOTAM system is considered to be available for general public consumption, this web site is not designed for server level connections or screen scraping. Users seeking an automated method for obtaining NOTAMs may contact 7-AWA-NAIMES@faa.gov for information regarding Aeronautical Information Data Access Portal (AIDAP), an XML data feed for NOTAM and Weather information.