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2009 News and Events

Consul General hosts Iftaar Dinner

Nail Shaimardanov, Maya Mikhailova, Tim Sandusky, Rafael Shikhov, Rais Nurimanov, and other Iftar guests

Nail Shaimardanov, Maya Mikhailova, Tim Sandusky, Rafael Shikhov, Rais Nurimanov, and other Iftar guests

On September 16th, Consul General Tim Sandusky invited Muslim leaders from Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk Oblast to celebrate Ramadan at an Iftaar dinner hosted at his residence. A mixture of guests, who included imams, school teachers, NGO leaders, businesspeople, journalists, deputies, and official representatives of ex-Soviet republics with predominantly Muslim populations, was present for the occasion.

Consul General Tim Sandusky opened the evening by introducing the theme of service in community projects, a theme that stems from President Obama’s initiative to foster inter-faith dialogue and action. The Consul General highlighted the fact that Ramadan is a significant time when Muslims everywhere in the world help the needy and work for their neighborhoods. He pointed out that after President Barack Obama called on Americans to serve their communities this summer, a campaign, entitled “Muslim Americans Answer the Call” was launched. The campaign featured many community projects that are described on the web-site After the Consulate General’s speech the guests watched a video of President Obama greeting the Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan.

Following the President’s greeting, Nail Shaimardanov, Vice Speaker of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Duma, Rais Nurimanov, head of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Council of Muslim Elders, and other guests took the floor to thank the Consulate for gathering Muslims together and to confirm their commitment to community service. At the appointed time the Imam Ruslan Khazrat Nurmametov issued the call to prayer which was led by Mr. Nurimanov. After that the guests mingled and enjoyed a traditional meal of “plov” and “nan.”

The U.S. Consulate has been hosting Iftaars in the Urals Consular District since 2003. Members of the Consulate General have participated in Iftaars in Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Ufa, Orenburg, and the village of Ufa-Shigiri joining local communities in celebration of the holy month of Ramadan.
