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Emergency Contact

In Case of Emergency

Tel. (052) 581-4501

American Consulate Nagoya
Nagoya International Center Bldg. 6th floor
1-47-1 Nagono, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya 450-0001

The Consulate in Nagoya helps Americans in Aichi, Gifu and Mie.

In the event of an accident, fire, or medical emergency, call 119. To contact the police, call 110. Regarding an arrest, death, or other emergency involving an American citizen in Nagoya, Aichi, Gifu, or Mie, please call Consulate Nagoya at (052) 581-4501. Please be sure to use the phone -- not e-mail -- to inform us of emergencies. This is vital to ensure that we can respond in a timely manner. If Consulate Nagoya is closed, call Embassy Tokyo at (03) 3224-5000. The Embassy switchboard operates around the clock, and the Embassy will contact the Nagoya Duty Officer.