Clinical Investigations

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Chief's Message

Portrait photograph of COL Bruce Adams, MD.

Welcome to the WBAMC Department of Clinical Investigation. We are proud to represent the WBAMC team on the medical center’s research efforts. Our mission is to promote and develop high quality research projects while providing professional regulatory oversight and assuring protection of all research subjects.

We have three sections to carry out this mission:

  1. Our basic science laboratory on the 12th floor which has extensive technologic and professional capabilities to perform biological, chemical, and other “bench top” experiments.
  2. Our Biological Research Service is tasked with conducting clinically relevant animal model research, in full compliance with all regulatory requirements for safe and humane laboratory animal care.
  3. Our protocol service helps our investigators navigate the entire clinical research process from research idea to protocol development and approval, to grant support and to final publication of research findings.

WBAMC is developing into a major DOD research center. Our current hospital research efforts include the areas of: Combat Casualty Care, PTSD, TBI, and resuscitation. We are now acquiring over $700,000 annually in grants and expect our program to continue to grow even more. We help WBAMC investigators in all manners of medical and scientific research. We also promote and coordinate important collaborations with our regional and DOD medical science partners including Texas Tech—El Paso, UTEP, and other leading academic centers. Two annual events display the research efforts here at Fort Bliss: the WBAMC Annual Research Day every May, and the DCI Open House in October. We welcome discussions with research investigators regarding collaborative efforts that will improve medical care on the bench‐top, the bedside, and on the battlefield.