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2011 News and Events

Yekaterinburg Launches New Website

Images from Facebook Photo Contest (Photos belong to the contest participants)

Images from Facebook Photo Contest (Photos belong to the contest participants)

The U.S. Consulate General in Yekaterinburg launched a new website featuring photographs and information on the Consulate General sponsored City Photo contest.  The website also highlights the Sister City partnership between Yekaterinburg and San Jose, CA.

Select pages are dedicated to photographs entered in our Facebook contest and to the American photographers who will travel to Yekaterinburg in May.  The winner of the City Photo contest will be announced on May 11th and will travel to San Jose in June, 2011 to participate in a one-week photo shoot. Pictures taken in both cities will go on exhibit at the Yekaterinburg Photography Museum, Metenkov House and in San Jose City Hall.