• The calm, inviting waters of the Spokane Arm. Photo Credit: NPS\LARO\John Salisbury

    Lake Roosevelt

    National Recreation Area Washington

Life on the Great River of the West

The mighty Columbia River has drawn people to its waters for over 9,000 years. Plateau peoples thrived on its rich fisheries. Trappers and traders plied its currents and rapids. The last frontier post stood watch on its shores. Grand Coulee Dam transformed the river into Lake Roosevelt. Its salmon lost, the new reservoir helped power the Northwest. Today, its scenery and stories wait for you.

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Did You Know?

School bus and arrowleaf balsamroot

The park offers a variety of engaging activites for school groups. These include A River Mile, where students adopt and study a mile of the river. Duty, Discipline, and Devotion allow classes to experience what it was like to be a student or soldier at Fort Spokane. Contact us for information.