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The American Center

The American Center (AC)


Welcome to The American Center. Located at a commercial building of District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, our center provides up-to-date information to Vietnamese audiences on the United States, its people and its policies. Our subjects include American society, politics and government, economics and trade, foreign affairs and defense, education and the culture, as well as global concerns such as narcotics, environmental issues and social issues.

Staffed by professional documentation and reference specialists and equipped with modern information retrieval technologies, we provide free Internet and access to high value on-line databases. The The American Center provides continually updated information on current U.S. policy and legislation to Vietnamese government officials, academics, journalists as well as U.S. Mission staff.

The American Center is open to the public free of charge. We welcome visits by government officials, academics, journalists, students, and other groups interested in information about the United States.

Hours: Monday to Friday: from 08:30 to 17:00; Thursday: from 08:30 to 9:00 (No lunch break)

Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, American and Vietnamese Holidays.

REGULATIONS: Please see AC regulations here.


Reference Books: The American Center (AC) has reference books in many subject areas including:

  • General Reference Books
  • United State Reference Books
  • U.S. History
  • U.S. Government and Foreign Policy
  • U.S. Economics and Trade
  • U.S Geography and Travel,
  • Arts, Science, Technology, Environment, Health
  • U.S. Literature
  • U.S. Culture

Please visit AC's online catalog at:

English Learning Materials:

AC has books, CDs and other English learning and teaching materials

Education USA Advising Materials

AC has many books and resources about U.S. Universities, Colleges, Courses of Study, Scholarships and Testing Preparation Materials (TOEFL, SAT, GMAT, GRE). 


We offer 56 magazines and newspapers at the AC for reference. These periodicals cover all aspects of American life including: Art in America, Bloomberg, Business Week, English Teaching Professional, Newsweek, Readers Digest, Harvard Business Review, National Geographic, Foreign Policy, American Heritage, Seventeen, Sport Illustrated, and more.

Research/Reference Service

Information provided upon request about U.S. policies in domestic and international affairs via phone calls, fax, mail, e-mail, and visits by appointment.

Article Round Up: is a monthly current awareness collection of 25 articles, designed to keep AC users abreast of global issues and concerns as well as contemporary American society. Upon receiving Article Round Up, AC users can request full texts of selected articles via fax, telephone, mail or visits.

SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information): Selected information materials (journal articles, videotapes, books, online & CD-ROM information) and recommended web sites with annotations covering issues of major interests to both Americans and Vietnamese are sent to individuals on topics of their professional interests.

Internet Service

10 computers are available free of charge for high-speed Internet connection.

Public Events:

AC often organizes programs for the general public free of charge (ID is required for entry). AC programs include Film Showings, U.S. Speaker Programs, Exhibitions & Fairs, Book and Article Discussions. Public events are announced on the Consulate General Website at

The U.S. Consulate General Website:

The AC staff maintains the Consulate General public website at The website serves as a gateway to useful information related to visa applications, education, economics and trade of the U.S.


The AC has a collection of CD/DVDs, including American documentary films, American movies, educational collection series, English study series and more.

These CD/DVDs are available for patrons to use at the IRC during business hours. CD/DVDs Check out is not available.

Please contact us

The American Center
8th floor, Diamond Plaza
34 Le Duan Blvd, District 1
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Phone: (84-8) 3520-4627
Fax: (84-8) 3520-4622


  • The American Center will be closed from Friday, February 8, 2013 through Monday, February 18, 2013 for Lunar New Year and Presidents’ Day holidays. We will re-open on Tuesday, February 19, 2013.

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