
ARL's program in lethality seeks to provide innovative technologies to enable Army weapon systems capable of incapacitating or destroying enemy personnel, materiel, and infrastructure across the full-spectrum of Joint Operations.

Energetic Materials & Propulsion

Energetic Materials & Propulsion

Mature propulsion and energetics technologies. Conceive of new ways to store and use chemical energy. Evaluate, select, and validate novel/nanostructural insensitive energetic materials concepts that exploit managed energy release required for improving the effectiveness and reducing the vulnerability of Future Force gun/missile systems and warheads.


Projectiles, Warheads & Scalable Effects

Projectiles, Warheads & Scalable Effects

Identify, model, and mature preferred options to provide scalable and adaptive multi-purpose capabilities against a full-spectrum of threats (armor, bunkers, helicoptor, UAVs, personnel) for revolutionary Future Force effectiveness across the range of operating environments including MOUT.


Materials & Manufacturing Science for Lethality

Develop new materials (metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and nanomaterials) and structures that offer significant weight reduction with improved performance, durability, and cost reduction for ordnance applications.

Affordable Precision Munitions

Mature multi-disciplinary approach to munition system design by coupling physics-based models of interior ballistics, launch dynamics, flight mechanics, and high-G guidance, navigation, and control (GN&C) technologies to enable smaller, cheaper, and lighter low-collateral-damage precision munitions for future asymmetric operations.

Advanced Weapons Concept

Identify, model, and mature novel concepts and approaches for improving the effectiveness and reducing the vulnerability of Future Force weapons systems. Approaches include non-lethal mechanisms and concepts; hybrid combinations of conventional and electric propulsion; as well as physics-based analysis to provide the knowledge and insight required to understand the implications of various technology tradeoffs.


Last Update / Reviewed: September 1, 2010