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Passport Photos

U.S. Passport Photo Specifications

Submit two identical colour photographs of 5 centimeters by 5 centimeterswithout any white borders and taken within the past six months. The photos must be: in size,

  • a good likeness of the applicant;
  • clear with a full front view, not side view, of the applicant's face;
  • printed on a light background without shadow of the head;
  • with the size of the head (i.e. from bottom of chin to top of head, including hair) between 2.5 cm and 3 cm;
  • with 1 cm space above the head and 1 cm space below the chin;
  • taken in normal street attire. If the applicant is required to wear any headcovering, a signed statement must be submitted with the application indicating that the headcovering is worn daily for religious or medical reasons;
  • without dark glasses unless a doctor's statement is submitted supporting the wearing of dark glasses for medical reasons.

Note: Snapshots, most vending machine prints, magazine or full-length photographs are not acceptable. Photographs retouched so that the applicant's appearance is changed, or, printed by color photocopy machines are also not acceptable.

Digitized Photographs

If you chose to submit digitized photographs, they must be clear and provide proper contrast and white background. There are two major issues:

Grain: Digitized photographs are always produced on digital printers. Some printers will produce a photograph in which the dots are seen. Visible dots distort the image by making it look grainy. Acceptable photos have a continuous tone image that looks very photo-like.

Dye Colors: Some digitized photos are not compatible with the adhesive that we use on our laminate. Testing has shown that these photographs deteriorate after a short time. The dyes bleed or run, and the photograph eventually disappears. Also, some digitized photographs may fade due to exposure to sunlight.

At present, the following digitized photo types are usually acceptable:

  • Mitsubishi Electronics: LLHX media
    The reverse side will include the notation "LLHX".

  • Sony Corporation: 5UPC 1040A media
    The reverse side will include the notation "Sony 5UPC 1040A".

  • Sony Corporation: 5 UPC 2040A media
    The reverse side will include the notation "Sony stamp ID-photo".

  • ICI Image Data: Olmec Secure media
    The reverse side will include the notation "OLMEC Secure".

  • Kodak Corporation: Kodak Image Magic
    The reverse side will include one of two logos, or portions of both, depending on how the photo paper is cut: One logo shows a hand holding a wand with the words "Kodak Image Magic paper". The second logo shows the five Olympic rings with the words "Kodak Official Sponsor of the Olympic Games". 

Photo Guidelines