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Visa Services

Visa Processing now available in Sapporo

We are pleased to announce monthly non-immigrant visa processing in Sapporo from April 19, 2006. Sapporo joins our Embassy in Tokyo and consulates in Osaka and Naha as non-immigrant visa issuing locations. Previously, visa applicants living in Sapporo's consular district - Hokkaido, Aomori, Akita, Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures - had to travel to Tokyo for their visa interview. Now we are offering a more convenient option to encourage and facilitate travel to the United States.

Anyone seeking a non-immigrant visa, including those traveling to the United States temporarily for business, tourism or study, may now make visa appointments through our Sapporo consulate.

We will conduct interviews two days per month. Most applicants should be able to receive their visas within 10 days of their interview appointment. Travelers wishing to apply for a visa should follow these procedures, or try our fee-based telephone service (00531-13-1353) for details on how to schedule an appointment.

Watch this space for further information in the near future.

Visa Information Service in Tokyo (24 hours/day)

Tel: 00531-13-1353 (payable by credit card)