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Home > Kirtland AFB Public Web site policy

The Kirtland Air Force Base Public Web site is designed as a communication tool to transmit information to the Kirtland AFB public. These guidelines cover publishing information on the Web site. Please email to submit news stories, story ideas, calendar items or announcements.

Editorial Policy 

The Kirtland AFB Public Web site provides a primary means of communicating mission information to members of the base and the public. News propriety, story placement, publication date and use of photography decisions rest with the 377th Air Base Wing director of Public Affairs.

News coverage and content will conform to policies of the Air Force and directions of the 377th ABW commander. News reporting will be factual and objective. News coverage will avoid morbid, sensational or alarming details not necessary to factual news reporting. News writing will distinguish between fact and opinion. When an opinion is expressed, the source will be identified. This public Web site does not publish commercial news, editorials or advertisements.

The Kirtland AFB public Web site will keep Airmen, civilian employees, contractors and the public accurately informed about military matters that affect their futures, improve morale and quell rumors.

News and editorial content will provide information to and about all members of the Kirtland AFB community to improve the quality of their lives and thereby the effectiveness of the work force. This includes officers, enlisted members, civilian employees, contractors, family members, retirees Reserve and Guard members.

This Web site deglamorizes the use of alcohol and tobacco products. Articles concerning clubs, units or other activities may mention these products as long as the emphasis is on the activities and not the products.

Event announcements published on this Web site must be made available to all readers without regard to race, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor.

The contents of this Web site will conform to applicable regulations and laws relating to libel and copyright, the Air Force Privacy Act Program and Standards of Conduct.

Locally originated articles will reflect the policies of the commander and be in the interest of the Air Force. Editorials should help readers understand Air Force policies and programs. They must not imply criticism of government agencies and leadership, nor advocate or dispute specific political, diplomatic or legislative matters.

Publication Guidelines 

All elements of this Web site are updated as time and mission requirements permit. In order to ensure adequate coverage or advertising of an event, information should be submitted no later than one week prior to the event.

All articles submitted to the editor will be rewritten as needed to ensure they conform to Air Force journalism guidelines for news writing.

The location and manner in which an item is presented on this Web site will be determined by the director of Public Affairs.

Dedicated space:
Units requesting dedicated space on this Web site must designate a content manager. The director of Public Affairs will determine if a request for a dedicated space has merit. The names of primary and alternate content managers should be submitted to the site manager at

Change of Command:
Stories and/or photos are limited to group-level or major mission partners. Squadron-level change of command announcements may be published as a notice.

Personal Announcements:
Announcements regarding retirements, promotions, farewells and personal milestones will not run on this Web site.

Photos normally accepted for the Web site include on the- job action photos. Photos will not be placed on the Web site which contain classified or mission sensitive information, alcoholic beverages or cigarettes, dress and personal appearance violations, safety violations or photos which compromise force protection measures. Photos must be accompanied by a brief description of the action pictured, the date of the photo, the ranks, names and units of people featured in the photo, and the rank and name of the photographer.

Fund Drives:
Coverage will be limited to those campaigns authorized by Air Force instructions, namely the Combined Federal Campaign and the Air Force Assistance Fund.

Articles published on this site will be coordinated with appropriate agencies as deemed necessary by the director of Public Affairs.

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