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Message from the Ambassador

George A. Krol, U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan

George A. Krol, U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan

The U.S. Embassy in Tashkent puts great emphasis on further developing and strengthening commercial ties between the U.S. and Uzbekistan. This includes providing assistance to U.S. companies interested in exploring the untapped potential of Uzbekistan’s markets.

Uzbekistan possesses a wealth of natural resources, including natural gas, gold, cotton, other minerals, fresh fruits and vegetables, and a history as the scientific and industrial hub for the region. In the 20 years since Uzbekistan’s independence, U.S. companies have become an integral part of the local economy. Companies such as GM, Boeing, and Coca-Cola have found success here while offering new technology and opportunities for people of Uzbekistan. U.S. companies have invested over $500 million in Uzbekistan since its independence, and many U.S. goods and services are now well-established in the local market.

In this business section of our website, you will find information on the investment climate of Uzbekistan as well as resources for businesses interested in new trade opportunities. The Embassy’s Economic Section, along with other commercial agencies of the United States government, can offer a variety of services to assist companies from both countries in expanding economic ties.

Thank you for your interest in doing business in Uzbekistan!

George Krol,
U.S. Ambassador to Uzbekistan

Contact Us

  • Economic Officer
    Mr. John Etcheverry

    Tel.: (+99871) 140-2111
    Fax: (+99871) 140-2124

  • Commercial/Economic Specialist
    Mr. Murod Madjidov
    Tel.: (+99871) 140-2119
    Fax: (+99871) 140-2124

  • Economic Specialist
    Mr. Jakhongir Mavlany
    Tel.: (+99871) 140-2120
    Fax: (+99871) 140-2124