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Culture & Education

The Public Affairs Section (PAS) is responsible for the public diplomacy activities of the U.S. Consulate General in Yekaterinburg - communicating American interests directly to foreign audiences, including opinion leaders and key institutions. It is one of four U.S. State Department public diplomacy centers in the Russian Federation, and it administers most U.S. Government cultural, educational, press and information programs throughout the Urals and Western Siberia.
In addition to providing information to the news media about U.S. Government and U.S. Consulate General policies, the Public Affairs Section features an Information Resource Center that manages the U.S. Consulate’s accounts in Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, SlideShare and other online social networks, supports the six American Corners in the Ural Consular District, and fulfills information inquiries from professionals and academics using a range of databases, such as eLibraryUSA. PAS Yekaterinburg also administers a number of cultural, educational, and professional exchange programs. These academic and other exchange programs are aimed at a wide variety of scholars and specialists, including EFL teachers, students, journalists, public administrators, and civic activists.

For Further Information

For press inquiries or questions about the U.S. Consulate's cultural and educational programs, please contact the Public Affairs Section by e-mail or telephone (7) (343) 379-47-60, 379-30-01.

You may also check the U.S. Embassy Moscow Web site