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Warrior Transition Battalion
Frequently Asked Questions

More FAQs can be found at the WTC FAQ Webpage *.

Warrior Transition Battalion Logo

How To Get into the WTB?

You can access the application by clicking here.

What are the criteria for being assigned to a WTB?

To be eligible for assignment to a WTB, a Soldier will require at least six months of complex medical management. Reserve Component (RC) Soldiers are also eligible for assignment to a WTB if they become wounded, ill, or injured during mobilization, pre-deployment, post-deployment, or separation from their unit.
Under the following circumstances, Soldiers will generally not be accepted into a WTB:

  • Soldiers with uncomplicated pregnancy, unless the pregnancy does not interfere with treatment for the primary injury or illness. Pregnancy alone does not qualify a Soldier for assignment to a WTB
  • Soldiers who are in initial entry training, advanced individual training, or one station unit training
  • Soldiers whose permanent profiles require a Military Assessment Retention Review (MAR2) *
  • Soldiers in temporary disabled retired list (TDRL) status

Do all STs leave the Army?

No, many STs return to the force with their original unit after recovering in the WTB. Some STs face injuries that require them to consider a different job in the Army, or military occupational specialty (MOS). These STs will pursue required training for their new MOS while they recover in the WTB.  STs found unfit by the Medical Evaluation Board/Physical Evaluation Board Process may apply to Continue on Active Duty/Continue on Active Reserve (COAD/COAR) *

Why do Soldiers get medically separated?

WTC and local WTB aim to return STs to the force. Depending on the individual circumstances, some STs change to a different military occupational specialty (MOS) to stay in the Army. If a ST is found "unfit for duty" by a Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) or Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) *, he/she still has options. Some STs successfully appeal this ruling, and in other cases, the ST will go through the Continue on Active Duty(COAD)/Continue on Active Reserve (COAR) * process. In some situations, the WTB is medically separated and will receive benefits based on his/her individual situation, including factors such as disability rating, rank, and years of service.

What can I expect if I'm assigned to a WTB?

As a ST, your mission is to heal and to transition. Your days will be spent attending medical appointments, physical training, and achieving the goals in your individual Comprehensive Transition Plan (CTP) *. You will work closely with the Triad of Care and professional multidisciplinary team to develop your CTP.Your chain of command will inform you of specific expectations and responsibilities while at the WTB.

What is the CTP?

The Comprehensive Transition Plan (CTP) * is a six-part multidisciplinary structured process for every ST that includes an individual plan that the ST builds for him/herself with the support of the WTB cadre. Although standardized, this process allows STs to customize their recovery process, enabling them to set and reach their personal goals. The CTP is not the Army's plan for the ST, but a process that includes a personal, customized plan created for the ST by the ST.

What is an Ombudsman?

Most major military treatment facilities and Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals have an ombudsman * for patients, including STs. The local ombudsman is another resource for STs if questions or concerns arise that are not addressed by the WTB. The ombudsman helps STs connect with local agencies and community groups and assists with unresolved issues and policy updates. The ombudsman also provides Family advocacy and acts as a mediator, communicator, and facilitator for problem solving.

WTB External Links

Ft. Bragg Family Readiness Group*

Ft Bragg Soldier and Family Assistance Center*

Fort Bragg WTB Family Programs

Warrior in Transition resources on AKO (Requires AKO login)*

My MEB/PEB on AKO (Requires AKO login)*

Wounded Warrior Program (AW2)*

Wounded Soldiers and Family Hotline*

DFAS Wounded Warrior Pay Support*

Soldiers in Transition *

Soldiers in Transition Commander's Blog*

Warrior Ethos Video*

Warrior Care Blog (Office of Wounded Warrior Care and Transition Policy)*

Wounded Soldiers and Family Hotline  1 (800) 984-8523 *

Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP) *