United States House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary

Chairman's Welcome


About the Committee


Committee Members




Committee History

  Procedural Documents


Legislative Work - 110th Congress


Legislative Work - 111th Congress


Internship Program




  Committee on Judiciary Subcommittees

Subcommitee Assignments for the 113th Congress are as follows:

Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice

The Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice
shall have jurisdiction over the following subject matters:
constitutional amendments, constitutional rights, Federal
civil rights, ethics in government, tort liability, including
medical malpractice and product liability, legal reform generally,
other appropriate matters as referred by the Chairman,
and relevant oversight.

Rep. Trent Franks (AZ-08), Chairman
Mr. Jordan, Vice-Chairman

Mr. Chabot Mr. Nadler
Mr. Forbes Mr. Conyers
Mr. King Mr. Scott
Mr. Gohmert Mr. Cohen
Mr. DeSantis Mr. Deutch
Mr. Rothfus  

Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property and the Internet 

The Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the
Internet shall have jurisdiction over the following subject
matters: Administration of U.S. Courts, Federal Rules of
Evidence, Civil and Appellate Procedure, judicial ethics,
copyright, patent, trademark law, information technology,
other appropriate matters as referred to by the Chairman,
and relevant oversight.

Rep. Howard Coble (NC-06), Chairman
Mr. Marino, Vice-Chairman

Mr. Sensenbrenner Mr. Watt
Mr. Smith Mr. Conyers
Mr. Chabot Mr. Johnson
Mr. Issa Ms. Chu
Mr. Poe Mr. Deutch
Mr. Chaffetz Ms. Bass
Mr. Amodei Mr. Richmond
Mr. Farenthold Ms. DelBene
Mr. Holding Mr. Jeffries
Mr. Collins Mr. Nadler
Mr. DeSantis Ms. Lofgren
Mr. Rothfus Ms. Jackson Lee

Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations 

The Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security,
and Investigations shall have jurisdiction over the following
subject matters: Federal Criminal Code, drug enforcement,
sentencing, parole and pardons, internal and homeland security,
Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, prisons, criminal
law enforcement, and other appropriate matters as referred
by the Chairman, and relevant oversight.

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (WI-05), Chairman
Mr. Gohmert, Vice-Chairman

Mr. Coble Mr. Scott
Mr. Bachus Mr. Pierluisi
Mr. Forbes Ms. Chu
Mr. Franks Mr. Gutierrez
Mr. Chaffetz Ms. Bass
Mr. Gowdy Mr. Richmond
Mr. Labrador  

Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security 

The Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security
shall have jurisdiction over the following subject matters:
immigration and naturalization, border security, admission
of refugees, treaties, conventions and international agreements,
claims against the United States, Federal charters
of incorporation, private immigration and claims bills, nonborder
immigration enforcement, other appropriate matters
as referred by the Chairman, and relevant oversight.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (SC-04), Chairman
Mr. Poe, Vice-Chairman

Mr. Smith Ms. Lofgren
Mr. King Ms. Jackson Lee
Mr. Jordan Mr. Gutierrez
Mr. Amodei Mr. Garcia
Mr. Labrador Mr. Pierluisi
Mr. Holding  


Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law 

The Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and
Antitrust Law shall have jurisdiction over the following subject
matters: bankruptcy and commercial law, bankruptcy
judgeships, administrative law, independent counsel, state
taxation affecting interstate commerce, interstate compacts,
antitrust matters, other appropriate matters as referred by
the Chairman, and relevant oversight.

Rep. Spencer Bachus (AL-06), Chariman
Mr. Farenthold, Vice-Chairman

Mr. Issa Mr. Cohen
Mr. Marino Mr. Johnson
Mr. Holding Mr. DelBene
Mr. Collins Mr. Garcia
Mr. Rothfus Mr. Jeffries


