Marine Debris 101 What You Can Do

Marine debris is one of the most widespread pollution problems facing the world's oceans and waterways. Everyone can help prevent marine debris.


BeachgoerFisher Student/Educator

No matter who you are, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

  • Get Involved! Participate in local cleanups in your area!
  • Remember that the land and sea, no matter where you are, are connected!
  • Reduce the amount of waste you produce.
  • Reuse items whenever possible! Choose reusable items over disposable ones.
  • Recycle as much as possible! Bottles, cans, cell phones, ink cartridges, and many other items can be recycled!

Marine Debris Volunteer Activities

  • International Coastal Cleanup - Each year, Ocean Conservancy sponsors the International Coastal Cleanup. Volunteers from around the globe and 55 U.S. states and territories participate, clearing tons of trash from coastlines, rivers and lakes. To learn what you can do, no matter what country you live in, visit the official Web site of the International Coastal Cleanup.
  • Surfrider Foundation - To learn more about the basics about marine debris and how it can impact people and wildlife visit the Surfrider Foundation.
  • Keep America Beautiful, Inc. - Keep America Beautiful, Inc. works with businesses, schools, neighborhood groups and local governments to improve our land, waters and built environment, providing programs that help communities reduce, reuse and recycle.
